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Hey everyone, I'm pleased to announce that Funtoo Linux and Sabayon (https://www.sabayon.org) are joining forces! Now to explain what this means and how it came about. Sabayon is one of the great Open Source projects and has an amazing reputation for delivering an easy-to-use Linux desktop that is built using Gentoo. For quite a while, Funtoo has been supporting the Sabayon effort because we believe in what they do. Over the past several months, in chatting with the Sabayon team, it became really clear that we had a shared vision for creating a friendly and innovative community. We also were working on several next-generation technologies that were a good complement to one another. We decided it would be more powerful -- and fun -- to combine our efforts into one larger effort. So that is what we are doing. What this means is that while each project will maintain its own personality, projects and management, we will be logically combining into a larger effort and there will be a tremendous amount of cross-project collaboration. This collaboration immediately multiplies our capabilities for delivering some next generation technologies that we have been working on and are excited to share with you. The most immediate result of this collaboration is that moving forward, Sabayon OS efforts will be built on Funtoo. This, however, is just the first step. What I can say is that there will be much sharing of technology which will benefit both projects, and many new things. For existing users of Sabayon and Funtoo, the communities you know and love will have new strength, support and ability to tackle a new phase of Linux Open Source innovation. I am really excited about this collaboration. Welcome, Sabayon team! Best, Daniel Robbins12 points
Thank you @drobbins. It's really great to be back to my roots and working with you again! I'm having a really fun time and looking forward to getting to know everyone in the Funtoo user community.9 points
New drobbins YouTube vlog
More_Piffle and 8 others reacted to drobbins for a topic
Hi All, I've created a new YouTube vlog entry for your enjoyment. This one is about the latest shocking news of being let go from a job. View it here -- I appreciate it if you help me get the word out about my channel, send me some upwardly-pointing thumbs and possibly even subscribe! ? Thanks! Best, Daniel9 points -
Funtoo Community, One important quality of the Funtoo community, which is somewhat unique, is that officially, there are no 'developers'. In Funtoo, we are all users. Even as BDFL, I consider myself to be a user of Funtoo, first and foremost, who sometimes puts on a developer hat (OK -- I do this quite often 🙂) Why is this distinction important? In Funtoo, I do not want to have two different classes of people, 'users' and 'developers', with different jobs. I have found that communities formed around this model can manifest some cultural problems, creating walls for users that denies them a voice, and also encourages a developer culture that is disconnected from the user community. That is why it's so important. I have updated the introductions on the following pages to explain this in more detail: https://www.funtoo.org/Wolf_Pack_Philosophy https://www.funtoo.org/Support_Matrix By having this in two key documents, I'm hoping this concept will become more and more familiar. Remember, when you talk about Funtoo to your friends, be sure to explain that this "user-centric" philosophy is a key part of our culture. We are all users. Best Regards, Daniel Robbins also a user of Funtoo 🙂8 points
Hey everyone, 1.4 is almost ready to be released. Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed pull requests for 1.4 and tested 1.4. There's still a bunch of work to do, but there always will be and I believe 1.4 will be our most well-tested release so far. After 1.4 is released, we will start development on 2.0, to be released some time in the Fall (Sept/Oct timeframe). I've been thinking about the release schedule a lot and I think that aiming for a .0 release every Fall seems to be a good idea. This means the work is completed well before the winter holidays, and fall in the US is a good season of change and looking forward to new things. What I have left to do for 1.4 is to update the ARM builds to 1.4 and then also to update our documentation, release notes, upgrade steps and related docs. I want to incorporate the new video cards mix-ins into the official installation steps and not leave it to just be a "First Steps" item after install. This way, people can use the install docs to get their desktop environment of choice up and running, too. I hope to get all this completed in the next few days.8 points
Hi All, In order to have more predictability for users, Funtoo Linux is going to adopt a six-month release schedule starting in 2018. Our kits are currently at 1.0-prime, and we are going to skip over 1.1-prime (it didn't get done fast enough) and jump to 1.2-prime. We are going to start development on 1.2-prime today, December 28, 2017, with a planned release of the production 1.2-prime on January 21, 2018. We will then maintain the 1.2-prime kits for the next six months, until they are replaced with 1.3-prime. The schedule in detail is as follows: December, 28, 2017: start development on 1.2 January 1, 2018: we will be rolling out a python-modules-kit and perl-modules-kit as new kits (for 1.0+) January 4, 2018: Alpha release of 1.2 January 11, 2018: Beta release of 1.2 We will have a release candidate when we feel we are ready, with a scheduled production release on January 21, 2018. On February 1, 2018, the 1.0-prime kits will be deprecated and users will be migrated to the 1.2-prime kits (this should be seamless unless you've hard-coded 1.0 or 1.1-prime kits in ego.conf.) For 1.2-prime, what we are going to attempt to deliver is a default gcc of 6.4 and all ebuilds updated to be in sync with Gentoo as of January 2018. We will be using a 'current' (non-snapshotted tree) until around January 4th when we will freeze the tree and then will start backporting security fixes and updates. In a few hours, the 1.2-prime kits will appear but will be tagged as DEVELOPMENT quality, so they should not be used until they are made default. I will post updates here on our progress. Regards, Daniel8 points
Everyone, Seemant is going to be helping to build community efforts within Funtoo. I am so very glad to be working together with him again! If you are a long-time Gentoo user you will know that Seemant was my second-in-command, basically running the people, community and development coordination aspect of Gentoo during its golden era, and much of Gentoo's tremendous growth and success during this time was attributable to his insight and involvement in steering the project as it grew. I've asked Seemant to specifically engage with our user community and help to collect feedback and build a roadmap for the project. So please know that Seemant is here to collect your ideas and feedback about what you are hoping to see in Funtoo. Please do not hesitate to reach out to him, either here in the forums or by chatting with him on Discord or Telegram. Seemant will be collecting the ideas and working with me to incorporate them with my technical plans so we can have a public roadmap for the project, to help others get a sense for what is coming and also provide ways for others to get involved and influence the future. Seemant, thanks for joining us and welcome 🙂7 points
Hey everyone, I have updated our Development Guide to contain information on the "Funtoo Way". The "Funtoo Way" is a really important philosophy about how we do things at Funtoo and I strongly encourage everyone to read it, even if you don't consider yourself a "developer". It helps to explain how our community works and how we can work together. https://www.funtoo.org/Development_Guide Best, Daniel7 points
Everyone, I have just started getting kit-fixups ready for 1.4-release development. Some key changes that are coming in 1.4-release: move away from eselect opengl and to libglvnd. official support of container-based solution for steam, etc. updates to pam and pambase 1.4-release will be tracking "current" gentoo for a while and will freeze sometime this summer, likely in June 2019. If you want to get involved, chat on #funtoo and look at the latest commits to kit-fixups on code.funtoo.org. I'll also be doing some introductory videos on how to get involved with the new release of Funtoo. -Daniel7 points
Hi All, The Funtoo Linux 1.2 release is now available for use. Many of us are now running Funtoo Linux 1.2. Here's how to upgrade your system to Funtoo Linux 1.2. Note that soon, 1.2 will be the "default" version of Funtoo Linux. For now, you need to perform certain steps to switch over. We're doing this so that power users can switch over right away, and so we can make things a lot easier for less-experienced users to upgrade to Funtoo Linux 1.2. One of the features I have been working on behind-the-scenes is an "easy upgrade" functionality for ego, to perform big updates automatically. This functionality is not yet ready, but is being worked on. When this "easy upgrade" functionality is ready, 1.2 will be released via "easy upgrade" to systems who have not yet upgraded. For now, power users can upgrade by performing the following steps. First, select the new kits in your /etc/ego.conf: [kits] core-kit = 1.2-prime security-kit = 1.2-prime kde-kit = 5.12-prime media-kit = 1.2-prime java-kit = 1.2-prime ruby-kit = 1.2-prime haskell-kit = 1.2-prime lisp-scheme-kit = 1.2-prime lang-kit = 1.2-prime dev-kit = 1.2-prime desktop-kit = 1.2-prime Then, perform the following steps, as root: # ego sync This will activate the new kits. Now, if you have a /etc/portage/repos.conf/funtoo symlink, remove it: # rm /etc/portage/repos.conf/funtoo Next, # emerge -u1 gcc This will upgrade gcc. Next, # emerge -u1 glibc libnsl libtirpc rpcsvc-proto Glibc will now be upgraded. Next, # emerge -auDN @system This will upgrade your core system set of packages. Next, # emerge -auDN @world This will upgrade all other packages. Next, # emerge @preserved-rebuild This will rebuild packages that are linked to old libraries. Now, final step: # revdep-rebuild --library 'libstdc++.so.6' -- --exclude sys-devel/gcc This will rebuild all remaining packages that need to be linked against the new libstdc++. At this point, you are now upgraded to Funtoo Linux 1.2! Please report any bugs to https://bugs.funtoo.org and let us know of any issues you experience, either as part of the upgrade, related to dependencies, or related to functionality on your upgraded system. Best, Daniel Robbins7 points
Hi All, ego-2.2.0 has been released, and is an important update, and will be appearing in meta-repo soon. New functionality has been added to help you view kit configuration. To view your current kit settings, type: # ego kit status This will display your current kit settings, as well as their stability level. The stability level is set by Funtoo and lets you know if you are running something we consider 'stable' or not. We recommend that all our users use kits that have a 'prime' stability level. Note that this is different than the kit having 'prime' in its name! When I create a kit, I may call it 1.1-prime if the goal is to make it production-quality, but the moment it is created, it is still considered 'dev' (developers only) status. Type "man ego-kit" for more information on this. It is now also possible to view a similar listing, but one that displays ALL available kits and their stability levels, by typing: # ego kit list This new release of ego also includes a host of other improvements, such as improvements to the "ego doc" MediaWiki parser. Enjoy, Daniel7 points
Hi All, I wanted to let everyone know about "next" release -- which is the new release of Funtoo that is intended to receive regular updates to all the latest packages. Currently, a generic_64 build of next-release is available here: https://build.funtoo.org/next/x86-64bit/generic_64/ 'next' release currently includes gcc-11.2.0 and an updated unified binutils (binutils and binutils-libs have been combined, and binutils-config has been removed.) It also has a small handful of updated packages. Our intention is to gradually add more and more auto-generated ebuilds to 'next' so that it is fully updated at all times. Next-release *may* break -- and if you use next-release, you should be aware of this. Right now, the stage3 is building but it's likely that DE's like GNOME, KDE, Cinnamon, MATE will need gcc10 fixes for certain packages to build properly. I'm hoping to generally keep the stage3 functioning at all times as we gradually update everything inside next-release to be current. We at least have a working stage3 as a starting point :) And it's fine to test DE's and open issues for any ebuilds that don't build -- so we can all start working on fixing them. SO -- YOU CAN HELP! So, since Funtoo is a user-based distribution, we provide a way for you, technical user, to help us in our goal of updating next-release. I am particularly interested in autogens for various ebuilds in the stage3. If you would like to autogen something on the stage3, all you need to do is open a bug at https://bugs.funtoo.org, entitled something like "autogen sys-apps/foo in next-release". Then describe what you would like to do and why. I think the most obvious candidates for autogens are stand-alone tools like gzip, for example, which are not libraries. These are the easiest initial candidates. Once your bug has been reviewed, it will be moved to a "ready to fix" state, at which point it will be possible to submit a PR to code.funtoo.org. Here are the steps to create a PR: Create Funtoo account at https://auth.funtoo.org/new (you need this for the bug tracker and code.funtoo.org) Open an issue on the bug tracker (improvement) for the package you would like to autogen. Talk to us in #dev-help on Funtoo Discord for help in writing your autogen. When the issue moves to 'ready to fix', you are ready to submit your PR. To create your PR, first fork the kit-fixups repo on code.funtoo.org. Then on the bug tracker issue, click "create branch", and choose your forked repo (myname/kit-fixups) as where the branch will live, and make your branch a "feature" against master. Give your branch the name of the bug, like "feature/FL-9000". On your local system, "git pull; git checkout feature/FL-9000". Now do the edits... When creating your files, you can put them in kit-fixups/core-kit/next/sys-apps/foo, for example. This will make the autogen active for next release only. This is a good, conservative place to put it (rather than in 1.4-release too, which is what would happen if you added it to kit-fixups/core-kit/curated/sys-apps/foo.) When you're all done: "git add new files, git commit -a -m "FL-9000: description here." Then "git push", and you will see a URL on your console you can use to create your PR. Click on it, and create the PR against core-repositories/kit-fixups master. You may get comments on your PR -- you can simply do new commits to your "feature/FL-9000" branch and they will automatically appear in the PR without any additional steps when you push to your branch. Also note that I have a bunch of issues I created for "funtoo-izing" various packages, which was my way of saying "autogen them and put them in next-release." You can find these bugs listed under this epic link (see the associated issues) and if you want to update any of these packages, you can simply "start work" on any of these bugs by clicking the "start work" button and then follow the steps above (minus creating the issue -- since you're using an existing one): https://bugs.funtoo.org/browse/FL-8375 Thanks in advance for your involvement with next-release. This will be fun!6 points
My first 60ish days at Funtoo
jefebromden and 5 others reacted to seemant for a topic
Hello all and happy 2022! So, I've been around for about 60 days now, and I wanted to share some of what I've been doing and some thoughts from Daniel and the development team. I've been slowly getting to know the Funtoo ecosystem more and more each day. From exploring the Funtoo system from a predominantly Gentoo context to combing through JIRA to having voice chats on Discord with some of y'all. During our time in Gentoo, Daniel and I interacted with users via: IRC, bugzilla, and mailing lists (and btw, the website was generated xml that Daniel had written and designed). Later on, the forums came along and blogs came along between when Daniel left and when I left. Since that time, the world has changed a little bit. IRC has been replaced by Discord and Telegram, bugzilla replaced by JIRA, and not a lot happening on the mailing lists, and Twitter is a new addition (and now the website is another avenue for direct interaction for the Funtoo community. Last week I invited everyone in the #general Discord channel to ping me if you'd like to schedule a 1 hour chat with me. We can talk about anything you like. And now I’m opening that invite up to all of you as well. If you can see this and want to chat, please let me know so that we can schedule some together. Although..based on the conversations I've already been having, I reckon we'll talk mostly about Gentoo and Funtoo things 🙂. Thank you for your patience with all the JIRA emails lately, that's because I was going through each open ticket one by one, to bring everything up to date, and jump start some that had languished. I took a second pass through the tickets to tag them. Within a day, community members were using the new tags/labels. Thank y'all for noticing and adopting 🙂 The goal is for us to start creating a plan for Funtoo development. In the coming weeks and months, we’ll start to communicate about where we’ll be focusing our efforts. Most importantly, we’ll be focusing extensively on improving the experience for those of you who want to learn how to write ebuilds and autogens and want to share your ebuilds and autogens with the rest of the community. I’ll provide another update next month, near the 90-day mark. Meanwhile, I’d love to chat with y’all.. Please feel free to book a time on my calendar, or get in touch with me via DM on Discord, Telegram or the forums. Every Tuesday and Thursday at 930PM PDT (530AM UTC +1 day) please join us in the Voice channel in Discord, where @sirisis leading an educational series via screenshare. Come learn about making ebuilds, autogen'ing ebuilds, and more. Looking forward to get to know ayou. Cheers, Seemant6 points -
Current state of funtoo, roadmap and future?
jefebromden and 5 others reacted to drobbins for a topic
@zogg I will answer you. "From recent activity it seems like funtoo development (except autogenerated updates mostly) is getting to mostly none, including activity even in on this forum." This is an interesting and funny perspective, because it's actually just the opposite. Funtoo is more active than it has ever been, and we are starting to collaborate with Sabayon on next-gen projects, and we have been growing our Funtoo dev team too. One thing to realize is that Gentoo has 200+ developers and Funtoo up until recently has had maybe 2-3 developers at most active at a time, but often just one. Think of that. Over the past decade, what was often 'powering' Funtoo, was JUST ONE GUY. Sometimes -- many times -- it was not even me but a more junior developer. Why? Because I am often busy -- I have a full time job and also a toddler, a wife, two kids in college, and two more kids in elementary and middle school ? Now we have like 10 actively contributing it seems. So 3x-10x growth in the last few months is actually huge. And we seem to now be getting an influx of people from Gentoo (we don't actively try to recruit users or devs from Gentoo, so this is just an observation and not a 'boast'.) But I actually DO understand why you have your perspective. It is a PERSPECTIVE, but not reality. But it's interesting to wonder: why do you have this perspective? It is probably because you are incorrectly trying to compare the work of 200+ people to what has often been just the work of 1-2 people. Is that fair? I don't think so. But I am sure you can 'sense' that there is often fewer package updates and general upheaval than in Gentoo. Some people actually LIKE this about Funtoo! The reality is that actually we are doing many things that Gentoo is not doing, and solving problems that Gentoo is not solving. But these problems are not glamorous, and take time, and we care more about solving these problems than giving you the latest crap to run on your computer. I'm quite content with our progress. But I don't think that Funtoo is a distro for everyone, and if you feel that Gentoo is more up-to-date or aligns better with what you want, by all means please use it. It doesn't matter to me what you use. No one here is going to try to persuade you to use Funtoo. If you don't see the point in using it, then use something else. The reason why you did not understand @nrc is because you don't get an important point. You are assuming that Funtoo and Gentoo are trying to do the same thing, and be the same thing, and trying to get you to pick one over the other. This is actually not true. That is why you do not understand. So now that I have addressed the 2/3 of your post that was a troll, I can address your legitimate question -- update on the current state, and roadmap/future of the project. The current state is that the project is rapidly growing and we are working on getting our growing team to work well together. So we are recently moving beyond 1-2 devs into the 5-10 active devs range. Autogens will continue to be added to the tree by users. Thanks to user contributions we now have MATE stage3's available for download as well as updated Enlightenment. As far as I am aware, financially, Funtoo has more funding/resources available to it than the entire Gentoo project despite our small size, is fully independent of any external influences regarding our future, and I expect this to continue to be the reality. I have been regularly sending cryptocurrency to our most active volunteers as a 'thank you' from the Funtoo community for their contributions. We will continue to prioritize new and interesting ways of solving complex technical challenges rather than expending huge amounts of manual effort to maintain tens of thousands of packages. While we do this, we also hope that you will find Funtoo to be a useful tool for desktop workstation, laptop as well as dev and production servers for amd64 and arm(64) architectures, as well as riscv, which is being worked on. For everything else, you will find out about it when it is announced ? As always, Funtoo is a user-centric project so if there is something you want, you are encouraged to not be shy and explain why you personally want it on the bug tracker and if it is reasonable, the issue will be approved and a PR can then be submitted. Best, Daniel6 points -
Hi All, To get ready for future improvements to Funtoo, I am adopting a multi-phased approach to 'fix Python'. First step is to address some issues that exist in the Gentoo python eclasses. I've updated these eclasses to be at least somewhat better than they are in Gentoo. These changes will be hitting the tree in an hour or so. For new ebuilds, you can now use the following rather than enumerating every single version of Python: PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3+ ) Because the minimum version of python3 we support is 3.7, this will ensure that the ebuild will be marked compatible with 3.7 and later versions of Python. Using the '+' symbol is the preferred way to mark ebuilds using PYTHON_COMPAT because it eliminates the time-consuming process used in Gentoo of tagging every single python-using ebuild when a new version of Python comes out. I don't know how they deal with this but it is a lot of wasted energy. Also supported in the new eclasses are the following: PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2+ ) # python2_7, python3_7, and beyond PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_7+ ) # same as python3+ since we start counting at 3_7 PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_8+ ) # should be self-explanatory... PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_9+ ) Note that pypy and pypy3 still need to be manually specified, and it is fine to combine as in the usual way: PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3+ pypy3 ) And another important change I made to the eclass is that any ebuilds still referencing python3_5 or python3_6 will be 'auto-upgraded' to python3_7 compatibility with no user intervention. So this could close a whole slew of bugs. I'm also enabling eclass support for the upcoming Python 3.9. IMPORTANT FOR ALL USERS: These changes will result in all of your Python-based and Python-using packages being rebuilt. This rebuild is for cosmetic purposes only -- it's due to a weirdness in emerge and the eclasses -- and really is optional and doesn't actually result in any changes except changes to the /var/db/pkg database USE flags. Therefore, these rebuilds can be completed at your convenience as they are not important. More adventurous users may look for ways to write a script to update /var/db/pkg so that these rebuilds are unnecessary -- if you attempt this, please back up /var/db/pkg first and read the following technical note! TECHNICAL NOTE: Due to how Gentoo implemented the python eclasses, our deprecation of python3_5 and python3_6 in PYTHON_TARGETS will result in some ebuilds going from 'PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET' mode to just regular 'PYTHON_TARGET' mode. What you will see is that some ebuilds will be turning off python_single_target_python3_7. This is OK. This is just how the eclasses were written by Gentoo -- PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET is only enabled when there is more than one active implementation of Python in PYTHON_COMPAT. Otherwise it just falls back to using PYTHON_TARGETS. On another note, our continued use of auto-generation continues to go well with many more packages now in the tree that are auto-generated. Expect this direction to continue. Best, Daniel6 points
Greetings during unusual times -- I wanted to let everyone know that the following ebuilds are currently being auto-updated using our new, amazing autogen framework. That means we will always have current versions: www-client/firefox-bin www-client/google-chrome www-client/google-chrome-beta www-client/google-chrome-unstable www-client/brave-bin app-admin/pass app-admin/passwordsafe net-misc/anydesk-bin mail-client/thunderbird-bin net-im/discord-bin net-im/zoom-bin net-im/slack-bin More are on the way! For those working remotely, I recommend checking out zoom-bin (Zoom meetings) as well as anydesk-bin (AnyDesk) for fast remote desktop. They work great under Funtoo. Enjoy, and stay safe. -Daniel6 points
We are not doing rolling release for the following reasons: Too much time is spent on fixing various breakages coming in from Gentoo, which takes time away from other things... other things are more important such as new technology like fchroot and the upcoming containerization solution... If users are interested in certain packages being updated, I am encouraging them to submit a pull request and maintain these ebuilds themselves, so I am going to focus on helping YOU maintain ebuilds rather than have a few people (this has generally been Oleg) maintaining them for everyone. This model doesn't scale -- we all need to do a little bit rather than a few people doing a lot. See the YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKmOY6p3c9hxv3vJMAF8vVw for tutorials Short-term, this means development slows down. But in reality, it will speed up development greatly. For those hanging out on IRC, you know that Oleg who has helped to maintain Funtoo for years has moved on to a new chapter in his life, so he is no longer active on Funtoo. But even though I am not slaving away over here, thanks to incoming pull requests Funtoo is continuing to move forward and be responsive to user needs. So think of it as a course correction as we become more agile and community-oriented, and be part of the solution. If you are reading this, it means you are part of the Funtoo community and just as able to contribute to Funtoo as anyone else (maybe with some tutorials/videos to help). When I work on technologies, I am trying more to work on key tools that help the community be more productive (like fchroot) rather than focusing on specific ebuilds, which I am leaving to the community to manage using pull requests. Best, Daniel6 points
The 1.0 release of Funtoo Linux is not going to be maintained after September 30, 2018. So please be sure to upgrade your systems to Funtoo Linux 1.2 using https://www.funtoo.org/Upgrade_Instructions so that you will continue to get updates! We will also be starting development on Funtoo Linux 1.3 in a few days, on August 31. We are moving to a new agile (scrum) process, where we will be doing 1-week sprints (time-constrained sets of work). Our work will include some portion of fixes for 1.2 and some new work on 1.3. When we as a team decide that 1.3 is ready for various milestones (alpha, beta, release candidate) we will mark it as such. Thus, we have no hard deadline for 1.3 as I do not want to try to hit arbitrary dates that are not based on the actual work. But we will get there, sooner rather than later!6 points
Hi all, A multitude of new kits are coming your way. I'll give you a list of what they are and share other kit-related updates with you. The new kits you'll be seeing soon are: ruby-kit, haskell-kit, ml-lang-kit, lisp-scheme-kit, and xfce-kit. With the exception of xfce-kit, these kits are all essentially sub-kits of dev-kit (and now have their own kit, just to try to pare down dev-kit a bit.) xfce-kit is for the XFCE 4.12 desktop environment. In addition, we have snapshotted/frozen the following kits: *java-kit*, ruby-kit, haskell-kit, ml-lang-kit, lisp-scheme-kit, *dev-kit*, xfce-kit and *desktop-kit*. Note that the kits in red are ones that previously following gentoo-current, and are now snapshotted as of today (Oct 22). The other kits listed are the new kits. With this wave of new kits, I am pushing forward the kit paradigm. With additional snapshotting of previously 'current' kits, I am putting funtoo's developer focus on getting the new 1.1-prime core-kit, media-kit and friends truly ready for production. The goal is to shift major updates to that they come via kit upgrades rather than a trickle of new package updates. What should you expect over the rest of the year? Expect further stabilization of our now-snapshotted kits. Also, when PHP 7.2.0 is released, expect a php-kit that will be snapshotted at 7.2-prime rather than following current as it does now. You should also expect to see a new generation of kits made available so you can select more recent packages. Also on the radar are automated features to help switch kits cleanly -- think of these as things like perl-cleaner and friends but that get automatically triggered when you switch kits to ensure a smooth transition. And yes, you will likely see a few more kits added to the mix, along with new ego features. With these new kits, the kit paradigm has been further advanced and will continue to advance. Along the way, you may feel that Funtoo Linux updates are getting 'stuck' or not going as quickly as you like, due to kits being frozen. If this impacts you, please provide us with feedback so we are aware of what things you need updated and why -- and understand that the pause in version bumps is more of a temporary phenomenon rather than a permanent reality. The updates will come -- in the form of kit bumps! The adjustment of our dev process will happen, and soon will reap rewards by offering stability as well as the latest ebuilds for you to choose from. Please feel free to share your questions and concerns on this thread. Best Regards, Daniel6 points
Welcome to the new forums!
fabiomen10 and 5 others reacted to drobbins for a topic
Hey all, welcome to the new forums! Our old forum software has been upgraded to the latest version and I'm going to be working hard to help make this a really great resource for everyone. Our "Funtoo Universe" section is set up in a traditional forum style, and "Help Central" is now in a Q&A-style mode. Let me know how you like the Q&A style mode. Both sets of forums allow you to tag posts as being answered and we have the ability to flag the best answer.6 points -
We currently have a problem -- there is way too much happening with Funtoo Linux. So we have WAY TOO MANY *MAJOR* announcements. Let's try to get through all of them! Funtoo Linux has its own LiveCD/LiveUSB! Many thanks to @coffnix and @pnoecker for making this happen! The official install docs have been updated to reference this LiveCD, and it will be perpetually downloadable from https://build.funtoo.org/livecd/. What's the big deal, you ask? Well, it's running our official debian-sources kernel, so it will recognize the hardware supported by Funtoo. It's in sync with Funtoo stage3's. Yay. It also has NetworkManager available so the "nmtui" command can be used to set up your network. That's a convenience, but not really that impressive. What IS impressive is that included on the LiveCD is our innovative fchroot tool, which allows you to "chroot" into arm-64bit, arm-32bit and riscv-64bit filesystems thanks to the power of QEMU! This makes it an ultra-powerful rescue image. Other cool and amazing things are on the LiveCD. You can eventually learn about everything LiveCD here as we get this page done: https://www.funtoo.org/Funtoo:New_Install_Experience/LiveCD There's MORE: Ryzen "Zen 3" stages now available, running next-release! https://www.funtoo.org/Amd64-zen3 SiFive Freedom U740 RISC-V stages, running next-release! https://www.funtoo.org/SiFive_Freedom_U740 -- thanks @calrama 64-bit Raspberry Pi 4/400 stages, running next-release! With GNOME and lxqt support! https://www.funtoo.org/Raspberry_Pi_4! Raspberry Pi 4 will be moving to an "A" support level in Funtoo momentarily and will be part of our official install docs soon. Also, in case you didn't notice above, lxqt stages are available for amd64-zen3 and raspi4, and will be appearing gradually for all other subarches! And also if you did not notice, the updated next-release builds are starting to appear for download! (RISC-V, Raspberry Pi 4 and AMD Ryzen "Zen 3" will only be available for next-release.) OK, that's all the announcements we have for now. Please return to whatever you were doing before you read this announcement. Thanks to the Funtoo user community who helped to make this all happen. Besides these announcements, there are many other improvements and fixes that have been incorporated into Funtoo. If you have helped, thank you from me as well as the others who will enjoy your improvements. Let's keep pushing forward to build on these amazing successes. Best Regards, Daniel Robbins, BDFL.5 points
Current state of funtoo, roadmap and future?
jefebromden and 4 others reacted to dutch-master for a topic
One more thing to consider: not everyone wants to use Discord.5 points -
Hi folks O/ few years ago I wonder about a friendly version of Gentoo and Funtoo, the gentoo community don't liked, but I keep did some tests but I didn't continue, well, few week ago I start again, but this time only a Funtoo Friendly version, and now I have something really beginning. the project will resume in few flavors and one version with a overlay with update packages and few extra. the funtoo flavors are X+openbox, gnome and Plasma, they are just the Funtoo Stage3 Generic with few packages and some configuration. and has one version with plasma, but with an overlay with few update packages and other stuffs, a stage more out of the box, I want make something to people learn about gentoo/funtoo or for who use the system without spent hours to build the system. the webiste will be done in the next weeks, and the stages will be available in the next days "sorry, I'm with one pc now, and the net is a turtle". website -> https://bentoo.info/ binhost -> http://binhost.bentoo.info github repos : overlay -> https://github.com/lucascouts/bentoo configurations -> https://github.com/lucascouts/bentoo-cfg I don't know if the funtoo community will like but anyway I'll forward with this project, but will be great if few users could help with feedback or criticisms. thank you anyway ?5 points
Hey Everyone, I want to officially announce 'fchroot', Funtoo's new QEMU-based chroot tool which allows you to chroot into ARM stage3's and live systems using your 64-bit PC. It is pretty neat stuff. Check out this video for a demo: Enjoy ? -Daniel5 points
Hi All, Within 12 hours, I plan to move 1.3-release to BETA status. Along with this comes the very important change on 64-bit platforms -- I am removing multilib and making "pure64" compatibility the default. This means that 1.3-release builds with the x86-64bit arch will be 64-bit only. This is done for a variety of reasons, most important of which is that the world has had a 64-bit PC instruction set for approximately 15 years. It is time to drop 32-bit support. For those who still need 32-bit support, it will be available via a Funtoo 32-bit chroot setup. The story behind multilib is rather complex and interesting, and might be the focus of a future blog post, but for now, you will just have to trust me -- multilib support in Gentoo is a pain in the butt. It takes a lot of effort to work with and slows us down. Our efforts are best spent in other places, and chroot should work for the vast majority of users who truly are running a critical 32-bit application (other options are 32-bit containers, etc.) EDIT: Upgrade Instructions Here: https://www.funtoo.org/Upgrade_Instructions/1.3-release Best, Daniel5 points
I've decided to keep Funtoo Linux going in a limited capacity. Borrowing a phrase from Cameron Kaiser, developer of TenFourFox (a Firefox fork for PowerPC Macs) Funtoo Linux will be entering "Hobby Mode". Here is what that means: Funtoo Linux will continue as a personal project of mine, maintained for myself. You will still be able to ego sync and get periodic updates. You can still use it if you want to. I use Funtoo in various capacities personally so I might as well allow others to continue to use it too, if they want. Community development resources -- bug tracker and community code repositories will remain offline. Forums and wiki will be moved to read-only mode. Funtoo logins will go away at some point. Discord will continue to be used to some degree, but please move all community discussion to Reddit for self-support, not Discord. That's where you can ask other Funtoo Linux users for help going forward. If you would like to keep a Funtoo container, please contact me at drobbins@funtoo.org and I will make arrangements to keep yours going. These were previously going away at the end of this month. I will be keeping sufficient infrastructure online to maintain some container hosting. If you want a new Funtoo container, contact me to get on a waiting list for some new infrastructure I am working on. Funds will be used to support Oleg to work on these future projects that will be available to the public at some point. If you care about the fate of Funtoo and community Open Source projects (and Oleg), this is a great way to demonstrate support. If you are interested in making a major, meaningful technical contribution to Funtoo Linux, please contact me privately via email to discuss it. I am always open to co-creation and supporting collaboration from serious contributors, but can't spend the time and energy to keep the doors open for this 24/7 as there is significant overhead in running a community project. My YouTube Channel may receive some content in the relatively near future, so if you are interested in following future developments or getting more detail on my views on Open Source, please follow me there. The latest changes from harvester/2024-07 have just been merged into official Funtoo and the tree was updated today, with continued periodic updates to follow about once a week or so.4 points
Funtoo Newsletter, January 2023 A lot goes on in the Funtoo Community in a month. Here are some highlights of what happened along the month of January 2023. And the first thing we have to announce this month is the start of this monthly newsletter itself! Funtoo Newsletter The lack of consistent and effective communication over time have led even active contributors to remain oblivious for months of certain developments have been put forth by other members. This can make things confusing and even frustrating. In order to keep everybody up to speed with what's happening, including major software updates, infrastructure upgrades, community rules, new projects and future expectations we will be publishing this short newsletter every month. Linux 6.1 sys-kernel/debian-sources was upgraded from v.5.18.16_p1 to v6.1.4_p1. This means that now we have '''Linux 6.1''' on Funtoo! The upgrade was fast-tracked due to issues with Realtek Wi-Fi in the previous official kernel, 5.18.16_p1. You can read more about the Realtek Wi-Fi issues in Funtoo Bug https://bugs.funtoo.org/browse/FL-10937. This issue is confirmed fixed in v6.1.4_p1, but Linux 6.1 brings much more. The jump from 5.18 to 6.1 brought 15 thousand non-merge commits, with a lot of improvements. Here are some highlights: Official support for Intel 4th gen Xeon and 13th gen Core (Raptor Lake) processor. Support for ARM-based laptops, such as the Lenovo ThinkPad X13s with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx Gen 3 chip. Support for the new Intel Arc dedicated GPU's. Better performance for AMD Ryzen Threadripper and AMD EPYC. Better Btrfs performance. Countless new drivers, for devices ranging from GPU's to hardware sound and gamepads. Whether or not you will see any difference or not depends a lot on your particular CPU, GPU and other devices, but some people did report that everything seemed to run faster on the new kernel. Plasma-5.25.5 / KDE Gear 22.08.1 These are mostly bugfix releases that came out in 2022's last quarter. After a good amount of internal testing, the new releases have been incorporated into Funtoo in January 2023. Thanks to R0B for pushing this forward and all who tested it (Special thanks to Morphmex!) Some minor bugs were encountered after this update during last month, but they were quickly resolved. Scanner Support for Next Some dependencies had been “beard-trimmed” from Next-release and the scanner support was broken. Now, all the Sane Frontends/Backends, XSane and scanner drivers are fully supported on Next, including OCR capabilities. Development Languages Funtoo now has Go v1.19.5 and Rust to 1.57.0. Python 2.7 is still available but is deprecated, as there's no upstream support anymore. Some packages still require Python 2, but we are working towards upgrading or removing those packages. OpenCL eselect deprecation Funtoo has an eselect module for OpenCL, which allowed the user to choose among different OpenCL implementations (Mesa, AMD, Intel, NVIDIA, etc.). However, in most cases that job can be done by dev-libs/ocl-icd and nvidia-drivers now installs files in different locations, which prevent eselect from working. Some work has already been done towards removing the dependency on app-eselect/eselect-opencl from the ebuilds and we still have 9 ebuilds on the tree that do. When that work is concluded, app-eselect/eselect-opencl itself will be removed from Funtoo. Development Model Changes Funtoo has long adopted the BDFL model (like the Linux Kernel Project), where the decision making was centralized around Daniel Robbins and the staff just followed along. From December 2022, up to the first half of January 2023, a new system was introduced, where Daniel stepped down and BDFL and the decisions were taken by consensus among the staff, as Daniel focused on moving his family across the United States. In the Funtoo project, it was an interesting experience. There was very good work done by borisp, siris, coffnix, adbosco and others on a technical level -- and things looked like they were going in a good direction. But some problems were encountered. Daniel jumped back into BDFL role by the end of January. Daniel saw evidence that too much was given to this team, too quickly, with not enough support, training and clear responsibilities. While they did an admirable job in many areas, 1.4-release had some unresolved breakage lasting several weeks, and the python packaging package had been broken and gone unfixed for some time. While Daniel was originally very upset, he concluded in the end that the staff were put in a challenging situation, performed admirably especially considering the circumstances, and apologized for getting upset in the first place. He acknowledged that he often has unreasonable expectations. More work needs to be done to find the optimal model to allow community leaders to succeed. This realization gave birth to additional development of a more defined community leadership model, which shall be gradually implemented throughout the next few months. It will likely be a mentorship model and as it takes shape, announcements will be made to recruit people interested in learning and contributing in different areas of the Funtoo Project, and an emphasis will be placed on skill building. Stay tuned!4 points
As we have more people coming to Funtoo from Gentoo -- and not *quite* understanding the difference -- I realized I was doing a very bad job of communicating what makes Funtoo different. So to help address this, I documented the Wolf Pack Philosophy, which I feel is a great way to explain nearly all of our technical distinctives for the Funtoo project, so you have a better understanding of what Funtoo is all about. I hope you find it informative and enjoyable. https://www.funtoo.org/Wolf_Pack_Philosophy4 points
Current state of funtoo, roadmap and future?
jefebromden and 3 others reacted to drobbins for a topic
@zoggalso, I should say that I do appreciate you connecting and communicating your thoughts. For someone who is not as involved, perception is the reality. So I will look at what I can do to improve this, and welcome your involvement as well to try to address these things. For roadmap, a lot of this has come down to LACK OF TRUST. On freenode, I had people actually doing 'silent forks' of Funtoo and ripping off my ideas. I have had people who I have told about future plans start to try to do them -- but leave me out! So many people are trying to 'make a splash' in software, and are not necessarily ethical about how they do it. So I am bitter about this. I am bitter because I actually LIKE to share my future ideas, but I have been REPEATEDLY BURNED by doing this. So now I am cautious. A lot of this relates to why we left freenode even before it self-imploded. There was too much 'sniping' of ideas and 'fake friends' who were just trying to get some ideas that they lacked themselves. But without any collaborative spirit. And even some outright nastiness. I got sick of it. I decided we'll move to discord, and have more of an independent space. And it will piss off some people -- but fortunately some of the people I pissed off (not all for sure) were those I wanted to get away from! So yes, there is a lot of bitterness about this. And then being asked to share more -- you can imagine how this triggers a lot of unpleasant feelings. Damned if I do, damned, if I don't. You probably had no idea you were touching such a nerve when you made your original post. So much to unpack here. This will at least be an interesting thread for people to read.4 points -
There has been a lot of updates to Funtoo Linux 1.4 since its release -- most of these not officially announced. So it would be a good idea to make an official announcement of many of them: SELinux Updates Firefox and Firefox-bin 69, updated thunderbird. New gfxcard-nvidia-legacy mix-in for older drivers. Updated NVIDIA drivers to latest releases. Conky updated. kde-plasma merge fixes. mesa merge fixes and version bump. ffpmeg updated to latest release, with fixes for arm-64bit. Latest Spotify release added. Openrc net-online major improvements. New Language added: crystal (check it out) debian-sources/debian-sources-lts updates and now compile using your -march settings (since custom-cflags is now enabled by default.) Prior to this they compiled using generic 64-bit optimizations on x86-64bit. New encrypted-root mix-in to be used to enable LUKS in genkernel/debian-sources(-lts). To use, enable this mix-in and re-build your debian-sources(-lts) kernel. Rust-kit is now at 1.37-prime New dev-lua/lua and fixes for lua-using packages. Ebuilds using lua-5.2+ should use the new dev-lua/lua ebuild (not the legacy dev-lua/lua.) fwupd bumped to 1.3.1 nginx, nginx-unit, dovecot, php, mariadb vivaldi updated dovecot updated Anything I forgot? Follow up in this discussion thread. MANY OF THESE FIXES WERE SUBMITTED BY OUR USERS! Thanks to bcowan, perfinion, jhan, tux, tczaude, KlipKyle, scottfurry and anyone I forgot to mention for making Funtoo better for everyone ? ? ?4 points
Everyone, arm-32bit and arm-64bit builds of Funtoo Linux 1.3 are now available. Search for "arm" on this page using the search field right above the table to see them: https://www.funtoo.org/Subarches Enjoy. Also note that we could use some help with updating install docs for raspberry pis as well as odroid-xu4, which I hear now should run fine with our debian-sources-lts? If you look at our odroid-xu4 page here, you'll see that at the top we link to an install guide specific to this board. I'd like to have docs like this for all the raspis as well: https://www.funtoo.org/ODROID-XU4 Thanks, Daniel4 points
Hey Everyone, We have a new FAQ developed that allows you to more easily browse answers. See: https://www.funtoo.org/FAQ You can also submit your own FAQ questions which I will answer! ? Hope you enjoy it. Best, Daniel4 points
Hi Everyone, I'm very happy to announce that we are now offering official Funtoo AWS images in the AWS Marketplace: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B07KT3VN7Q/ Please test them out. They are optimized for specific instance types to offer the best performance possible in AWS. Please leave us a positive review (or file a bug ? ) and take advantage of these free images to Funtoo-ize AWS and advance the benefits of building software from source, optimized for the underlying CPU architecture -- Funtoo style! Best, Daniel4 points
How do I ask a good question?
jefebromden and 3 others reacted to palica for a topic
We’d love to help you. To improve your chances of getting an answer, here are some tips: Search, and research ...and keep track of what you find. Even if you don't find a useful answer elsewhere on the site, including links to related questions that haven't helped can help others in understanding how your question is different from the rest. Write a title that summarizes the specific problem The title is the first thing potential answerers will see, and if your title isn't interesting, they won't read the rest. So make it count: Pretend you're talking to a busy colleague and have to sum up your entire question in one sentence: what details can you include that will help someone identify and solve your problem? Include any error messages, key APIs, or unusual circumstances that make your question different from similar questions already on the site. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are important! Remember, this is the first part of your question others will see - you want to make a good impression. If you're not comfortable writing in English, ask a friend to proof-read it for you. If you're having trouble summarizing the problem, write the title last - sometimes writing the rest of the question first can make it easier to describe the problem. Examples: Bad: Is there command to do what it needs? Good: How can I apply changes proposed by emerge? Bad: Problem update system Good: Why does the compile of dev-libs/boost-1.63.0 fail with x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)? Introduce the problem before you post any code In the body of your question, start by expanding on the summary you put in the title. Explain how you encountered the problem you're trying to solve, and any difficulties that have prevented you from solving it yourself. The first paragraph in your question is the second thing most readers will see, so make it as engaging and informative as possible. Help others reproduce the problem Not all questions benefit from including code. Here are some guidelines: Include just enough code to allow others to reproduce the problem. For portage errors include all the relevant info and output. Include all relevant tags Try to include a tag for the language, library, and specific API your question relates to. If you start typing in the tags field, the system will suggest tags that match what you've typed - be sure and read the descriptions given for them to make sure they're relevant to the question you're asking! See also: What are tags, and how should I use them? Proof-read before posting! Now that you're ready to ask your question, take a deep breath and read through it from start to finish. Pretend you're seeing it for the first time: does it make sense? Try reproducing the problem yourself, in a fresh environment and make sure you can do so using only the information included in your question. Add any details you missed and read through it again. Now is a good time to make sure that your title still describes the problem! Post the question and respond to feedback After you post, leave the question open in your browser for a bit, and see if anyone comments. If you missed an obvious piece of information, be ready to respond by editing your question to include it. If someone posts an answer, be ready to try it out and provide feedback! Look for help asking for help In spite of all your efforts, you may find your questions poorly-received. Don't despair! Learning to ask a good question is a worthy pursuit, and not one you'll master overnight. Here are some additional resources that you may find useful: Writing the perfect question How do I ask and answer homework questions? How to debug small programs Meta discussions on asking questions How to ask questions the smart way — long but good advice.4 points -
Hi all, Please test ego-2.6.0, which is currently masked for testing. As many of you have noticed, there have been significant changes to kit generation and currently, ego is less "flexible" about mixing and matching kits from different releases. This is a side-effect of massively improved merge scripts, which now leverage python's asyncio, use a thread pool for database operations, and have much better internal design. I have put a lot of work into this new codebase and the new design is much better foundation for future development. Currently, it is possible to select a custom xorg-kit or gnome-kit, but all other branches are locked down to the release. For those who may be upset -- We have never "officially" supported anything but the standard collection of release kits anyway, with some tweaks of xorg-kit and gnome-kit, so users who push the limits of mixing and matching kits right now have been using Funtoo in a way that is beyond the scope of what we intended to deliver, likely without realizing it. So if you want to use an unusual combination of kits -- awesome -- we want to support this officially in time, but we are working on getting there the right way rather than committing to supporting all these unusual combinations all at once. If you have gotten accustomed to this flexibility in the past, know that this lack of flexibility is only temporary as we continue to build out our next generation of innovative technologies for managing kits. Re-enabling support for any old combination of kits is going backwards, in my opinion, and instead we need to move forward to OFFICIALLY support more combinations of kits. For the time being, you may need to write a small script to get things exactly how you want in meta-repo. We encourage people to use combinations we officially support if possible -- 1.2 with some variation of gnome-kit or xorg-kit. Things will be easier that way for the time being. Also, we now have the 1.3-release kit names and definitions finalized, so this will allow us to move forward with 1.3 release development. Best, Daniel4 points
Hi All, Thanks to funtoo supporters, we now have a new fast download service that is available for everyone. Upgrading to the latest portage-2.3.25_beta2 will enable this service. The fastpull service consists of a lot of different moving parts, but it adds up to distfiles downloading very fast and being available. Here's how it works. When we regenerate meta-repo and kits, ebuilds are scanned for new SRC_URI tarballs, etc. These new distfiles are queued for download. Our fastpull spider then downloads these distfiles automatically, and uploads them to Google Cloud Storage. When you try to download a SRC_URI, you hit https://fastpull-us.funtoo.org first, which redirects you to the download on fast Google Cloud Storage. The design of fastpull is to ensure that all distfiles are always available going forward. It will also help us to identify situations where for some reason or another we are missing a distfile for download, although these situations should happen less and less frequently (and hopefully disappear) now that fastpull is deployed. Best, Daniel Robbins4 points
I just fixed login-related issues. Funtoo users who had not used the forums before were unable to log in. I've also fixed the password reset link to go to our official password reset page, as well as the create account link. So logins should be working well. One note is that if you were are user of the old forums, and you changed your 'displayname' to show something other than your username, then your forums account username will be your displayname. You can alternatively try logging in with your email as your username instead. Everyone else should be good to go using their funtoo username (and password, of course) to log in here.4 points
My day Job
666threesixes666 and 3 others reacted to Chris Kurlinski for a blog entry
Not sure how many people out there are like me, but here is a project I just about to complete for a client. I'm not in the IT industry, I'm in construction, a master plumber by trade, but do a lot of building management system integrations, and a lot of really specialty projects, like custom fire pits with iPad controls, high end pools ( we're talking 100K gal completely automated, heat pump / solar water heater for potable water, large solar systems ( looking forward to trying out the Tesla Power Wall ). Generally, anything that requires a computer interface, I'll do. Basic anything is boring, and not for me. Well, this leads my to my latest project that's wrapping up. (3) Years ago, I did a pool system for a client, but they didn't have time to build a structure over the equipment, and over the last (3) years the equipment is starting to fail, the Bahamian sun and sea is brutal on this kind of stuff. So I proposed to he client to build a structure over the equipment to protect it. He said great idea, what will it cost, and I went huh? After some thought and a lot of design work, I draw some plans up and priced it to the client, and he said great, when can you start. So here is the original design. And here is the final structure without paint. The only modification from the original design was the doors, which I custom built from Number 1 grade fir, and used some left over epi wood for the siding. Sanding and painting is all that is left.4 points -
Funtoo decides to keep the zoneminder ebuild up to date
jefebromden and 2 others reacted to coffnix for a topic
Hello everybody! We know that the Gentoo project has recently removed the zoneminder ebuild due to lack of maintainers, and also some overlays have given up on maintaining it. We at Funtoo decided to keep the zoneminder active and up to date, and we released a new release on yesterday's date, and it works on 1.4 and Next release. ZoneMinder is open source software used to capture, analyse, record, and monitor cameras.3 points -
Hello, everyone! Here's a summary of things going on in the Funtoo community -- and there is a lot to talk about: First, we'll start with the March Stages Refresh -- All Funtoo stage3's have been rebuilt as of 2022-03-10 or so and contain the latest package updates. Funtoo Community Live Streams -- @siris has been running Funtoo Community Hacking Live Streams on Funtoo Discord -- These have been happening twice weekly and are a great way to get familiar with creating Funtoo autogens and just connecting with other people hacking on Funtoo. You can view upcoming Live Streams by going to our Discord and looking at the "Events" list. This link will show you open autogens on our bug tracker than you can help to tackle, and this wiki link will show you PR's that were turned into autogens, so you can learn from the past work of others. Projects, Projects and More Projects! -- I've been building out a Projects infrastructure on the wiki, and as of right now we have launched over 12 projects! You can view the projects list on the right side of https://www.funtoo.org, and there is a live feed of project updates on the main page, too. This project infrastructure exists to help build out our efforts and also help users to find ways to get more involved. More is coming... Security Project -- Is now officially organized, and actively engaged in addressing CVEs and other potential security vulnerabilities in Funtoo. There has been a very significant focused effort to fix CVEs in the past few weeks. Thanks to @mrl5 and @invakid404 and other community members for efforts here. Evolved Bootstrap Project -- This is a project that @pnoeckerand I are spear-heading, with significant contribution from @invakid404 and @alex2101 -- documenting the steps on one wiki page that can be used to build out a cross-toolchain. What is the significance of doing this? Well, it will serve as a foundation for more innovation in the future in regards to Funtoo. We're starting phase 2 of this effort now that we have a PowerPC 64-bit cross-toolchain as well as an ARM-64bit MUSL toolchain documented. Phase 2 involves documenting -- on one wiki page -- how to build up a Gentoo/Funtoo system using the cross-toolchain. Getting all the steps on one wiki page is important, because bootstrapping a compiler toolchain is very order-dependent and having the big picture of the steps and their order helps us to streamline and innovate the process, which is harder to do when everything is isolated in individual ebuilds. Expect some interesting things to come from this project in the future. Telemetry Project -- @siris has launched the Telemetry project, which is now starting phase 3. The goal of phase 3? No less than engineer a custom Golang Funtoo Prometheus exporter on code.funtoo.org that can expose all types of fun and useful Prometheus metrics about a Funtoo Linux system. Exciting stuff! Languages Project -- @seemant has organized an umbrella Programming Languages Project, whose goal is "to enable developers to embrace Funtoo Linux as their preferred platform for programming. We aim to do this by ensuring that each programming language is able to supply a reasonably stable version and a reasonably up to date version of each language, as appropriate." @alex2101 is doing some excellent work in helping us to finally deprecate python2.7 in next-release. Find out more at the Funtoo Programming Languages project page and in the #languages project channel on Funtoo Discord. New Funtoo Software Releases -- We have recently seen the release of fchroot 0.2.2 (major update), ego 2.8.6 (including fixes for AMD microcode), as well as metatools 1.0.2 (major release with no need for mongodb). Beyond these things, there's even more stuff going on -- these are just the highlights. To connect with any of these efforts, please visit us on Discord. We look forward to working with our users to move these various efforts forward 🙂 Best, Daniel3 points
Everyone, New 1.4 Maintenance Release 4 stages have been built. These include GNOME 3.34.5 as well as updated Firefox and other packages. As we continue to expand the use of our autogen framework (metatools) , more and more desktop packages are staying up-to-date automatically. Enjoy the new builds -- they are now available for download via www.funtoo.org and our CDN77-powered CDN. Best, Daniel3 points
Please see the following for more info: Release Notes: https://www.funtoo.org/Release_Notes/1.4-release Upgrading from 1.3: https://www.funtoo.org/Upgrade_Instructions/1.4-release Download and Install: https://www.funtoo.org/Install/Introduction3 points
Funtoo isn't dying. Funtoo is changing just like it always has. You know far better than we do what you want from your Linux distro so ask yourself if you have liked all of the past changes to Funtoo. Then stick with it and have some faith in the wisdom of our BDFL. If you don't like what you see in a year or two you can go to another distro and have not lost anything. I originally switched to Funtoo because too many things in Gentoo and Debian stayed the same. Having bleeding edge packages wasn't why I used Gentoo. It was because it gave me a greater degree of control than any other OS. The reason I love Debian is because the stable release is always stable but unfortunately I have to give a lot of control to use it. Funtoo can give me the control that I want and at the same time give me the stability that I need so I am keeping an open mind. If you have the skills to contribute to the code base and improve things for all of us I encourage you to get involved. If you are like me and couldn't write a program if your life depended on it then I encourage you donate a bit of money to Funtoo every month.3 points
Just a note for the future: When removing a feature many people are relying on, it often pays of to have the replacement ready. I get the feeling that essentially disabling Steam and Wine and telling people to hold of on playing games for a couple months is going to drive many people away. I understand that there is too much to do for too few people, and dropping features you don't feel are needed seems like a good option, but you are also serving a community of users. Telling a portion of that community that they are not wanted and should go elsewhere seems like a bad strategy, even if it frees up development time. Personally I'm going to hold off on the 1.3 upgrade for as long as possible, and see how that turns out.3 points
Everyone, Funtoo Linux 1.3 is now officially released. Check out a detailed description of all the changes here: https://www.funtoo.org/Release_Notes/1.3-release Best, Daniel3 points
Hello Everyone -- I want to highlight some improvements that have been made to the wiki besides our new FAQ (https://www.funtoo.org/FAQ) We now have a new Subarches page that is a lot easier to navigate: https://www.funtoo.org/Subarches And the look of various things like notes, tips, warnings, etc. have been improved for a cleaner, more consistent look. This is a good sample page to browse the new look. Note that you may need to "hard reload" the page to get the new CSS: https://www.funtoo.org/Upgrade_Instructions Enjoy! -Daniel3 points
Hey Everyone, We are starting to build Funtoo Linux 1.3 ALPHA builds. We will let you know when these are uploaded and ready for testing. UPDATE: Ryzen 1.3 Alpha builds now available for download and testing: https://build.funtoo.org/1.3-release-std/x86-64bit/amd64-zen/ -Daniel3 points
Thanks for adding the 2FA to the site. I wish more would do it. I use it every where I can. Even my home server has the google-auth pam modules for ssh.3 points
3 points
Hi All, I've just massively reworked the net-misc/dropbox ebuild to provide a much better experience in Funtoo and you should see this showing up in the next few hours. I couldn't get the Gentoo dropbox working reliably. Here is a list of all the changes: Updated to dropbox-39.4.49.ebuild No longer has an initscript It now sets up ~/.dropbox-dist for each user who sets up dropbox (rather than having a system dropbox install) You don't need to be in the "dropbox" group to use the dropbox nautilus (gnome file browser) extension gnome support is built-in (as long as "gnome" is set in USE, which it is if you are using the GNOME mix-in.) Reworked the python 'dropbox' script to provide a better user experience and be optimal for Funtoo: if you start "dropbox" for the first time from GNOME, it will start a GTK+ installer to set up dropbox for you. if you don't have a GUI, you can still install dropbox The above two features are existing features of dropbox that were somewhat borked in Gentoo. At the end of the setup process, you are given instructions on how to enable dropbox on startup. dropbox command-line tool is also included. Please note that if you have nautilus-dropbox installed, you will need to remove it. This should result in a really nice experience for dropbox users. Use as follows: # emerge dropbox (make sure it's 39.4.49 -- this is the new version.) (as regular user:) $ dropbox start -i This will initialize the ~/.dropbox-dist directory for the user via a command-line or GTK+ interface. Once this is done, dropbox start should be added to your .bash_login and/or .xprofile and can be run immediately to start dropbox in your current session. Since the ebuild is completely new, the possibility of bugs exist. Please report bugs at https://bugs.funtoo.org . Thanks. -Daniel3 points