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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 9/11/2014 at 8:22 PM, user said:

It does not matter much, but how 'bout a hairdo? Tux with a hairdo or even better, the cow with a hairdo. Old school hairdo is a must. Back in the days, there were all around hairstyles like those screaming for party in the back but pretty much office in the front. An all party hairdo won't be that hard to imagine. And in a lesser way, it must represent the funniest hairdo drobbins had over the years. One on top of the other, the ufo, znurt I guess they call it and the cow abduction scene in its all expended splendor resembles funtoo much more than a penguin. Sure, things could degenerate fast, Znurt with disco lights much? But if there is style and some iconic aura to it, the "fun" part should give a pretty much decent, "in its place" sensation. Decent? I had to add it.


I know I shouldn't be reply to olds posts ... my apologies, but ... are you saying Tux with a mullet?  Business in the front, party in the back?

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  On 10/4/2014 at 5:56 PM, pytony said:

As talked about in IRC, I suggest "Serge the llama" as Funtoo replacement of Gentoo's "Larry the cow". :P


If you don't know Serge the llama, then check this out.


PS: Moreover llamas can drive.


FYI - There is already a Llamasoft.  Author of Llamatron, Jeff Minter (aka Yak) writes under the name and there is a corporate entity of the name.  Besides, Disney might sue.

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I like pytony's sliding penguins. I think that conveys the right feeling. I was also wondering if some tip of the hat to Beastie (FreeBSD's mascot) might be in order since Portage was inspired by the BSD ports system. Also, though this might be a bit of a different topic, I think it's related. Since fbsplash/splashutils is no longer maintained and hasn't been updated in about 3 years, and the only somewhat viable alternative is Plymouth, maybe Funtoo could either come up with it's own bootsplash manager or fork fbsplash and update it. A cool logo isn't enough if there isn't a reliable way to display it. And once we do have a good logo, maybe a kernel patch could be used to put the Funtoo logo instead of the default Linux logo on the standard framebuffer boot screen.

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The sliding penguins are definately cool, although it doesn't convey a single "mascot" to rally behind.  Here is the closest I could find on Tux Factory: http://tux.crystalxp.net/en.id.2358-snow-boy-v2.html   Although I didn't spend a lot of time searching.


Can anyone compare/contract fbsplash with Plymouth?  Is plymouth safe to use with hardened?  I know fbsplash will keep the console pretty after boot finishes and plymouth doesn't, but if it won't work on hardened I think its kinda pointless.  The way I look at it, most people using desktops will never see the consoles.  Most people running servers will probably find the graphics distracting or are running hardened and can't run it.  I think the people that want a fancy console will be the minority (and those guy can probably install fbsplash themselves).  That said, gentoo has info on how to install either one.


Is genkernel-next required to use plymouth?  I'm not sure what benefits genkernel-next gives me and I installed genkernel already.  Would I need to switch to install plymouth?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 9/19/2014 at 1:49 AM, Deklan? said:

Riccardo Messana (@morphmex), I liked this logo:

Creation and art by @j-g-



Late reaction, but I'd like to say that I really like this one! :)


I'm just asking myself what a 80x80 Logo or similar sizes may look like - Since this is some kind of horizontal and wide it will loose a lot of it's attraction when scaled down that much  :unsure:

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  • 5 months later...
  • Funtoo Linux Developer
  On 9/19/2014 at 1:49 AM, Deklan? said:

Riccardo Messana (@morphmex), I liked this logo:

Creation and art by @j-g-




The "too" part of this logo makes me think about a mask and a snorkel. Maybe we could find something cool fun with this to draw a square logo.


Dive into Funtoo :P

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  • 1 month later...
  On 11/28/2014 at 9:19 AM, Judge said:

Late reaction, but I'd like to say that I really like this one! :)


I'm just asking myself what a 80x80 Logo or similar sizes may look like - Since this is some kind of horizontal and wide it will loose a lot of it's attraction when scaled down that much  :unsure:


Wow, same here (late) but yes, this one is amazing!


And LOL @ snorkel

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I haven't seen a logo I liked yet.  I'm no artist, but how about something simple and classy.  Maybe just a penguin in the shape of the letter "f".  The top of the f could be the head and neck,  and the horizontal cross could be the wings.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Funtoo Linux Developer
  On 6/23/2015 at 4:46 PM, l0rd_midnight said:

Agreed with the @j-g- choice.

And since you asked above, 80x80:




80x80 png (actually 96x36 or something, but close enough.)


I don't think the point was actually to get a 80x80 logo, but a squared logo (ie. that can be used as a favicon or any squared icon).

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for an 80x80 favicon maybe just take the first two letters ;) it will be a strong remembered icon. also i just took a thumbshot of the logo. aka putting my thumb over the screen where the logo is. if you position your thumb right over the fun part of funtoo. the white t with the 2 uppercase oo look really funny on dark background. some kind of thing with eyes lurking in the dark.

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  • 1 year later...

Just throwing an idea out there. What is fun? When do penguins look like they are having fun. Well, diving looks a lot more fun than waddling around the ice, doesn't it?


You know what I think is fun? Snorkling. Snorkling is great fun. 


You know what would be kinda funny? A snorkling penguin. Because penguins don't need snorkels. But they like diving. It's funny. 


So I present my idea for a funtoo logo: Farold the Funtoo Fluid-Fowl.


I used the official Linux penguin and attached a pair of snorkling goggles on him. The goggles were created by writing "too" in the Bauhaus 93 font. Similar results can be achieved by writing "too" using other fonts and aligning the characters properly. I chose the Bauhaus 93 font because the t looks more like a snorkel in that font. One could also adapt the penguin to be of a gentoo variety, which should include a white headband like an upside-down U and also I think the beak should be red rather than yellow. 



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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I had two new ideas for this,

1) Fortissimo symbol



This one is a bit of a math joke- funfun (fun x 2); which is expressed by the above symbol..

2) Something involving an exclamation point!

Funtoo is fun and exciting! So it only makes sense that the logo includes a symbol that depicts the same energy.


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