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Bentōō (An user-friendly Stage4 of Funtoo Linux.)

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Hi folks O/


few years ago I wonder about a friendly version of Gentoo and Funtoo, the gentoo community don't liked, but I keep did some tests but I didn't continue, well, few week ago I start again, but this time only a Funtoo Friendly version, and now I have something really beginning.

the project will resume in few flavors and one version with a overlay with update packages and few extra.

the funtoo flavors are X+openbox, gnome and Plasma, they are just the Funtoo Stage3 Generic with few packages and some configuration.

and has one version with plasma, but with an overlay with few update packages and other stuffs, a stage more out of the box, I want make something to people learn about gentoo/funtoo or for who use the system without spent hours to build the system. 

the webiste will be done in the next weeks, and the stages will be available in the next days "sorry, I'm with one pc now, and the net is a turtle".

website -> https://bentoo.info/
binhost -> http://binhost.bentoo.info

github repos : 

overlay -> https://github.com/lucascouts/bentoo

configurations -> https://github.com/lucascouts/bentoo-cfg

I don't know if the funtoo community will like but anyway I'll forward with this project, but will be great if few users could help with feedback or criticisms.

thank you anyway ?

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6 hours ago, jwjones said:

This is a pretty exciting project for a newb like me. Forgive my ignorance, but how do you install Bentoo? Basically follow the steps for a stage 3 installation, but grab your stage 4 tarball instead?

yes, for now, just follow the funtoo installation steps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here the second test with the iso, now fix the frozen on boot.

in this test I'm compare the compress altenatives "xz" and "zstd", the first iso used "xz", and now I'll use "zstd", the result is more than 50% more faster than use xz, and little more than 10% more in size compared with xz.


### roadmap

- fix the MBR(Bios) boot
- create the grub theme
- change the init to mont in overlayfs no more aufs
- configure the Calamares(Installer)

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  • 3 months later...

Hi folks.

now we have a livecd iso and an installer with calamares, both need some improvement but already work, I would like fix and improve better, but I need some help with the feedback.


so, who could test, even in a vm, please give the feedback, about something to add, remove or change.


here the site => http://bentoo.info

ISO => https://sourceforge.net/projects/bentoo/

binaries and ISO => https://binhost.bentoo.info/


and the Telegram group => https://t.me/joinchat/DG0l5Rez0MRt4p2GHnNohQ

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