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Need Help with NetworkManager/WPA_Supplicant



Hello All,


I had to do a full install of my laptop. It had been running fine since the Jackass days on Gentoo. Dang Raid0 and old backups.

Anyway I redid my laptop and I am having trouble with Networkmanager. Here is what is in NeworkManager.conf





If I run 'rc-status', networkmanager is crashed and wpa_supplicant is up. I have network connectivity but only on the one defined in wpa_supplicant.

I do not get any selections nor does KDE Neworkmanagement fire anymore. I need this because I have multilple selections in the house and VPN.


Can anyone help?




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9 answers to this question

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I reoved the networkmanage.conf and it seems to be working now. The 'addwifi' didn't seem t work. Turns out it doesn't like

'!!' exclamation points in the password setting.


Thanks for your help




BTW...I just recompiled networkmanager to get rid of the error above.

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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

You shouldn't run wpa_supplicant -- only add NetworkManager to your runlevel, and use the "addwifi" command to add your connection. I typically don't have a NetworkManager.conf at all. "addwifi" will create an entry in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections.

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I trie to do what ya said and then I got another error for 'Addwifi'. It used to be so easy, lol!

sudo addwifi -S wpa -K 'Wnhj853ycat' clinistar1-5Ghz
Error: nmcli ( and NetworkManager (unknown) versions don't match. Force execution using --nocheck, but the results are unpredictable.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/addwifi", line 164, in <module>
  File "/usr/sbin/addwifi", line 161, in main
    block_until_created(args.ssid, args.retries, args.interval)
  File "/usr/sbin/addwifi", line 81, in block_until_created
    nmcli_con_list = check_output(['nmcli', 'con', 'show'], universal_newlines=True)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.3/subprocess.py", line 589, in check_output
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args, output=output)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['nmcli', 'con', 'show']' returned non-zero exit status 9
Exit 1



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