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GCC update

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To make a test and for give a little "feedback", I've recompiled all my Funtoo Stable with gcc-5.3.0-r1; 1867 ebuilds (with i7 4771 "Haswell" @3,5 GHz). 

I had troubles only with

* media-video/lives 
    Available versions:  (~)1.4.6 {libvisual matroska nls ogg theora} 
    Homepage:            http://lives.sf.net 
    Description:         LiVES is a Video Editing System

But mistakes (I think) is not due to gcc :)


@ coosee : excuse me ... i'm curious: what Xeon have You ? :) :) :)

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originally from hardened overlay.


here you go :blink:





that ebuild is the same on Gentoo. 



I'm not a programmer but I saw that Funtoo gcc and Gentoo Gcc ebuild are differents 


@Oleg please, can tell us if is safe use Gentoo ebuild, or paste that funtoo ebuild with another packages version (5.4 or 6.2) ?


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