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What kind of hardware do you have and how do you use it?

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I'll answer first so you get an idea.


I play around with Funtoo on this desktop. I'm dual-booting until I become comfortable enough with it. Hopefully I'll become a Linux whiz sometime in the future. I also play around with programming, just python for now.


The build is pretty simple:

  • Mobo: MSI MS-7788
  • CPU: Intel Pentium G630
  • RAM: 4.00GB

In the future I hope to build a new more powerful desktop for faster compile times and such.This one is okay for now because I'm really just a beginner.


I think it would be cool to have a list of working hardware builds with different use cases, listing how long it takes to do things like compile a kernel or commands like:

emerge -auDN @world

. :D


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My latest machine is an Alienware Steam Machine (nee Alienware Alpha).  I wanted to maintain a clean copy of SteamOS to see how it would develop so for my normal desktop use I added a USB3 SSD and installed Funtoo to dual boot.


Intel Core i7-4785T CPU @ 2.20GHz


GeForce GTX 860M


The problem with comparing compile times is that there are thousands of different variables in there.   Kernel versions and options will differ and emerge commands pull in completely different collections depending on your install.

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The problem with comparing compile times is that there are thousands of different variables in there.   Kernel versions and options will differ and emerge commands pull in completely different collections depending on your install.

Ah. That's a consideration that I did not make. Rookie mistake, I guess. I still think it's interesting to see what everyone else is doing. How's SteamOS by the way?

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  On 4/9/2016 at 2:10 AM, maldoror said:

Ah. That's a consideration that I did not make. Rookie mistake, I guess. I still think it's interesting to see what everyone else is doing. How's SteamOS by the way?


SteamOS does what it's supposed to do in providing a reliable platform for games.  There's really nothing special about it other than the fact that it boots straight into Valve's console-style interface.  I keep it around for times like now where something in my Funtoo install is causing games to run slow.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 6 months later...

CPU: i7 6700k@stock

RAM: 64GB Kingston HyperX Fury

MB: Gigabyte Z170x Gaming7

GPU: Sapphire Radeon RX480 8GB Nitro

SSD: Samsung 850 EVO 500GB

HDD: 6x Seagate 3TB in RAID6

Sound: Creative SoundBlaster X-Fi

Case: Fractal Design Define XL R2


This is essentially my home workstation. I use it for coding, testing, virtualization (KVM & LXC) and gaming.

It's fast and everything feels really snappy.

Everything works with open-source drivers on current v4.9 kernel.

Radeon RX480 uses new open-source AMDGPU drivers (in kernel since v4.7). It's extremly fast and stable (at least compared with other GPU's that I've seen on Linux)


I also have Thinkpad E540, that I use when I'm not home.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone, first post, first time using Funtoo, although I used Gentoo for several years back in the early/mid 2000's. Here is my daily use rig:


HP z800 workstation

2 x 6core Xeons X5650  @ 2.67GHz

96gb ram

3 SSDs  (1.2tb total)

2 spinning drives (3tb total)

Nvidia GTX560

1100 watt power supply


Since I can't afford a Dodge Hellcat Challenger, this has to suffice :)


Been using Linux for nearly 20 years as my main desktop. I have made a conscious decision to never depend on Microsoft (or Apple) products for anything (except gaming) so have happily been using Linux for everything. The rig above is my main desktop. I use it for writing, graphic editing, surfing, bills, taxes, email, everything one uses a desktop for.

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  • 2 months later...

Latest home build, i use it as my main desktop simply. Ha a couple of laptops and Intel NUC's aswell. 

Can't wait to get Funtoo installed (as soon as ther's support for booting with NVMe drives in debian-sources kernel (Debian Unstable))



[ux@ux ~]$ inxi -Fz
System:    Host: ux Kernel: 4.10.13-1-ARCH x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: Gnome 3.24.1 Distro: Arch Linux
Machine:   Device: desktop System: ASUS product: All Series
           Mobo: ASUSTeK model: X99-DELUXE II v: Rev 1.xx UEFI: American Megatrends v: 1601 date: 02/22/2017
CPU:       Octa core Intel Core i7-6900K (-HT-MCP-) cache: 20480 KB 
           clock speeds: max: 4000 MHz 1: 1200 MHz 2: 1257 MHz 3: 1262 MHz 4: 1200 MHz 5: 1200 MHz 6: 1324 MHz
           7: 1288 MHz 8: 1200 MHz 9: 1262 MHz 10: 1262 MHz 11: 1202 MHz 12: 1200 MHz 13: 1200 MHz 14: 1200 MHz
           15: 1200 MHz 16: 1200 MHz
Graphics:  Card: NVIDIA GP104 [GeForce GTX 1080]
           Display Server: X.Org 1.19.3 drivers: nvidia (unloaded: modesetting) Resolution: 3840x2160@60.00hz
           GLX Renderer: GeForce GTX 1080/PCIe/SSE2 GLX Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 378.13
Audio:     Card-1 Intel C610/X99 series HD Audio Controller driver: snd_hda_intel Sound: ALSA v: k4.10.13-1-ARCH
           Card-2 NVIDIA GP104 High Definition Audio Controller driver: snd_hda_intel
Network:   Card-1: Intel Ethernet Connection (2) I218-V driver: e1000e
           IF: eno1 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter>
           Card-2: Broadcom Limited BCM4360 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter driver: bcma-pci-bridge
           IF: N/A state: N/A mac: N/A
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 2048.4GB (2.5% used)
           ID-1: /dev/nvme0n1 model: N/A size: 1024.2GB
           ID-2: /dev/sda model: Samsung_SSD_850 size: 2048.4GB
Partition: ID-1: / size: 98G used: 6.2G (7%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/nvme0n1p5
           ID-2: /home size: 733G used: 12G (2%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda3
           ID-3: /boot size: 96M used: 57M (60%) fs: vfat dev: /dev/nvme0n1p2
           ID-4: swap-1 size: 34.36GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap dev: /dev/nvme0n1p6
Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 27.0C mobo: N/A
           Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: 0
Info:      Processes: 337 Uptime: 21 min Memory: 2274.7/64338.7MB Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.3.8
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Well, now i'm on Funtoo (aswell)



tim@funtoo ~ $ inxi -Fz
System:    Host: funtoo Kernel: 4.8.15-1 x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: Xfce 4.13.0
           Distro: Funtoo Linux - baselayout 2.2.1
Machine:   Device: desktop System: ASUS product: All Series
           Mobo: ASUSTeK model: X99-DELUXE II v: Rev 1.xx UEFI: American Megatrends v: 1601 date: 02/22/2017
CPU:       Octa core Intel Core i7-6900K (-HT-MCP-) cache: 20480 KB 
           clock speeds: max: 4000 MHz 1: 1921 MHz 2: 2030 MHz 3: 3877 MHz 4: 3376 MHz 5: 3561 MHz 6: 2093 MHz
           7: 1664 MHz 8: 3877 MHz 9: 3715 MHz 10: 3826 MHz 11: 2006 MHz 12: 3754 MHz 13: 1968 MHz 14: 3237 MHz
           15: 2093 MHz 16: 2015 MHz
Graphics:  Card: NVIDIA GP104 [GeForce GTX 1080]
           Display Server: X.Org 1.19.1 driver: nvidia Resolution: 3840x2160@60.00hz
           GLX Renderer: GeForce GTX 1080/PCIe/SSE2 GLX Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 378.13
Audio:     Card-1 Intel C610/X99 series HD Audio Controller driver: snd_hda_intel Sound: ALSA v: k4.8.15-1
           Card-2 NVIDIA GP104 High Definition Audio Controller driver: snd_hda_intel
Network:   Card-1: Intel Ethernet Connection (2) I218-V driver: e1000e
           IF: eth0 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter>
           Card-2: Broadcom Limited BCM4360 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter driver: bcma-pci-bridge
           IF: N/A state: N/A mac: N/A
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 3072.6GB (1.3% used)
           ID-1: /dev/sdb model: Samsung_SSD_850 size: 2048.4GB
           ID-2: /dev/sda model: Samsung_SSD_850 size: 1024.2GB
           ID-3: /dev/nvme0n1 model: N/A size: 1024.2GB
Partition: ID-1: / size: 689G used: 6.4G (1%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda3
           ID-2: swap-1 size: 34.36GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap dev: /dev/sda2
Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 37.0C mobo: N/A gpu: 51C
           Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: 0
Info:      Processes: 256 Uptime: 1:12 Memory: 574.5/64341.1MB Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.3.4 
tim@funtoo ~ $ screenfetch
                                                     OS: Funtoo 
                                                     Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.8.15-1
                                                     Uptime: 1h 13m
     _______               ____                      Packages: 739
    /MMMMMMM/             /MMMM| _____  _____        Shell: bash 4.3.48
 __/M.MMM.M/_____________|M.MMM|/MMMMM\/MMMMM\       Resolution: 3840x2160
  |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM'M|                   Font: Sans 10
  |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM'M/                    CPU: Intel Core i7-6900K @ 16x 4GHz
  |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM/                     GPU: GeForce GTX 1080
                                                     RAM: 427MiB / 64341MiB
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  • 1 month later...



Thank you Dockland , i was not aware of inxi , nice tool.

System:    Host: RyoBox Kernel: 4.10.0-intel x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: MATE 1.18.0
           Distro: Funtoo Linux - baselayout 2.2.1
Machine:   Device: desktop Mobo: Gigabyte model: Z97N-Gaming 5 v: x.x
           BIOS: American Megatrends v: F3 date: 06/03/2014
CPU:       Quad core Intel Core i7-4790K (-MCP-) cache: 8192 KB
           clock speeds: max: 4400 MHz 1: 4340 MHz 2: 4400 MHz 3: 4395 MHz 4: 4400 MHz
Graphics:  Card-1: Intel Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller
           Card-2: NVIDIA GM204 [GeForce GTX 970]
           Display Server: X.org 1.19.1 driver: intel tty size: 100x30 Advanced Data: N/A for root
Audio:     Card-1 NVIDIA GM204 High Definition Audio Controller driver: vfio-pci
           Card-2 Intel Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor HD Audio Controller
           driver: snd_hda_intel
           Card-3 Intel 9 Series Family HD Audio Controller driver: vfio-pci
           Card-4 Plantronics driver: USB Audio
           Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k4.10.0-intel
Network:   Card-1: Qualcomm Atheros Killer E220x Gigabit Ethernet Controller driver: alx
           IF: eth0 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter>
           Card-2: Intel Wireless 7260
           IF: N/A state: N/A mac: N/A
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 7315.5GB (7.4% used)
           ID-1: /dev/sda model: TS64GSSD320 size: 64.0GB
           ID-2: /dev/sdb model: Samsung_SSD_850 size: 250.1GB
           ID-3: /dev/sdc model: ST4000DM000 size: 4000.8GB
           ID-4: /dev/sdd model: ST3000DM001 size: 3000.6GB
Partition: ID-1: / size: 30G used: 12G (42%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/root
Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 29.8C mobo: 27.8C
           Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: 1140 fan-1: 2163 fan-3: 0 fan-4: 0 fan-5: 0
Info:      Processes: 198 Uptime: 5:19 Memory: 1383.7/15512.3MB Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.3.8

This is my main desktop since the beginning i think ( back to 2004 / 2005 ).It was gentoo at this time.

I've checked the emerge.log, This system started on december 2009 :)

It has survived an hardware change ( full hardware , do you now how gratefull am i ) 2 or 3 years ago.

I've experimented what is explained here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXOaCkbt4lI

and with more details here http://vfio.blogspot.fr


So no more dual boot.The result is pretty satisfaying but not perfect of course.I'm experimenting it since 1 year now , and i don't feel the need to restore a dual boot which is a good point.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Oh I like that tool too!


I use this for my




file server


persistent desktop
external network verification

and pretty anything else I can think of or need.


I have the mirrored pair I have running the OS portion since about 2007, that I pulled out of a production machine in 2005. It was gentoo until I wanted to strip out the plague that is systemd. I was in the middle of ripping it out and running into some dependency hell, happens with really old installations that you don't update often enough and are trying to change it's current behavior, and then a power outage fixed that for me! I had been looking at funtoo for a long time but I sure hate downtime and this forced my hand. I am much happier with this variant and my current running system.

System:    Host: jonesin Kernel: 3.4.113-gentoo x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: N/A
           Distro: Funtoo Linux - baselayout 2.2.1
Machine:   Device: desktop Mobo: ASUSTek model: M2NPV-VM v: 1.xx BIOS: Phoenix v: ASUS M2NPV-VM 0901 date: 05/08/2007
CPU:       Dual core AMD Athlon X2 BE-2350 (-MCP-) cache: 1024 KB
           clock speeds: max: 2104 MHz 1: 2104 MHz 2: 2104 MHz
Graphics:  Card: NVIDIA C51PV [GeForce 6150]
           Display Server: X.org 1.19.1 driver: N/A tty size: 142x34 Advanced Data: N/A for root
Audio:     Card NVIDIA MCP51 High Definition Audio driver: snd_hda_intel Sound: ALSA v: 1.0.25
Network:   Card-1: NVIDIA MCP51 Ethernet Controller driver: forcedeth
           IF: eth1 state: up speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter>
           Card-2: Intel 82557/8/9/0/1 Ethernet Pro 100 driver: e100
           IF: eth0 state: up speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter>
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 13002.6GB (21.3% used)
           ID-1: /dev/sda model: ST3500641AS size: 500.1GB
           ID-2: /dev/sdc model: HGST_HDS724020AL size: 2000.4GB
           ID-3: /dev/sdb model: ST3500641AS size: 500.1GB
           ID-4: /dev/sde model: HGST_HDS724020AL size: 2000.4GB
           ID-5: /dev/sdd model: HGST_HDS724020AL size: 2000.4GB
           ID-6: /dev/sdf model: HGST_HDS724020AL size: 2000.4GB
           ID-7: /dev/sdg model: HGST_HDS724020AL size: 2000.4GB
           ID-8: /dev/sdh model: HGST_HDS724020AL size: 2000.4GB
Partition: ID-1: / size: 457G used: 322G (71%) fs: reiserfs dev: /dev/root
           ID-2: /tmp size: 5.6G used: 140M (3%) fs: ext3 dev: /dev/md2
           ID-3: swap-1 size: 4.01GB used: 0.10GB (2%) fs: swap dev: /dev/md1
RAID:      Device-1: /dev/md4 - active raid: 6 components: online: 6/6 - sdc1 sdh1 sdg1 sdf1 sde1 sdd1
           Device-2: /dev/md1 - active raid: 1 components: online: 2/2 - sdb2 sda2
           Device-3: /dev/md2 - active raid: 1 components: online: 2/2 - sdb3 sda3
           Device-4: /dev/md0 - active raid: 1 components: online: 2/2 - sdb1 sda1
Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 40.0C mobo: N/A
           Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: N/A
Info:      Processes: 151 Uptime: 18 days Memory: 1140.2/1966.4MB Init: SysVinit rc: OpenRC runlevel: default
           Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.3.8

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  • 2 months later...

Hi every one. i have to thank systemd for approach me to Gentoo.
i have a 10 years old thinkpad R61i .  Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU T5450 @ 1.66GHz × 2, 4GB RAM
i use it at work.  i have it since 2010. Working 24/7 till today. Now with Funtoo and Mate desktop ;)
i had Win7 then ubuntu, then opensuse, now Funtoo
i can tell the difference of speed and performance through different distros. and now with Funtoo runs like a charm.

i like to thank you guys for the amazing work you are doing.
regards from argentina.


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  • 4 weeks later...

System:    Host: hug Kernel: 3.16.43-2 x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: Xfce 4.13.1
           Distro: Funtoo Linux - baselayout 2.2.1
Machine:   Device: laptop System: LENOVO product: 23252DG v: ThinkPad X230
           Mobo: LENOVO model: 23252DG
           UEFI [Legacy]: LENOVO v: G2ET86WW (2.06 ) date: 11/13/2012
Battery    BAT0: charge: 70.4 Wh 100.0% condition: 70.4/93.2 Wh (75%)
CPU:       Dual core Intel Core i7-3520M (-HT-MCP-) cache: 4096 KB
           clock speeds: max: 3600 MHz 1: 1595 MHz 2: 1402 MHz 3: 1598 MHz
           4: 1366 MHz
Graphics:  Card: Intel 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller
           Display Server: X.org 1.17.4 driver: intel tty size: 80x60
Audio:     Card Intel 7 Series/C216 Family High Def. Audio Controller
           driver: snd_hda_intel
           Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k3.16.43-2
Network:   Card-1: Intel 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection driver: e1000e
           IF: eth0 state: down mac: <filter>
           Card-2: Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6205 [Taylor Peak]
           driver: iwlwifi
           IF: wlan0 state: up mac: <filter>
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 128.0GB (43.9% used)
           ID-1: /dev/sda model: SAMSUNG_SSD_830 size: 128.0GB
Partition: ID-1: / size: 47G used: 22G (47%) fs: xfs dev: /dev/sda2
           ID-2: /home size: 66G used: 31G (47%) fs: xfs dev: /dev/dm-0
Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 55.0C mobo: N/A
           Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: 3745
Info:      Processes: 181 Uptime: 1:13 Memory: 1637.8/15766.0MB
           Init: SysVinit rc: OpenRC runlevel: default
           Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.3.34 
                                                     OS: Funtoo 
                                                     Kernel: x86_64 Linux 3.16.43-2
                                                     Uptime: 1h 17m
     _______               ____                      Packages: 1002
    /MMMMMMM/             /MMMM| _____  _____        Shell: bash 4.4.12
 __/M.MMM.M/_____________|M.MMM|/MMMMM\/MMMMM\       Resolution: 2560x1440
  |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM'M|                   Font: Sans 9
  |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM'M/                    CPU: Intel Core i7-3520M @ 4x 3.6GHz
  |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM/                     GPU: intel
                                                     RAM: 1388MiB / 15766MiB

For daily use - browsing, printing, programming, etc.

I've installed an oldstable 3.16.43-2+deb8u5 debian kernel (jessie).

Thanks Daniel and Oleg for delivering such a nice distribution.

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