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Errors of adobe-flash running under wwww-client/chromium



Hello to all; 

I have problems with "adobe-flash." 

With Firefox always works correctly 

but with www-client/chromium in some sites do not work. 


sandro@c2iht ~ $ eix adobe-fl
[I] www-plugins/adobe-flash
     Available versions:^ms {debug kde selinux sse2 ABI_MIPS="n32 n64 o32" ABI_X86="32 64 x32"}
     Installed versions:^ms(04:23:39 29/05/2014)(kde sse2 -debug -selinux ABI_MIPS="-n32 -n64 -o32" ABI_X86="64 -32 -x32")
     Homepage:            http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer.html
     Description:         Adobe Flash Player


[I] www-client/chromium
     Available versions:  35.0.1916.114-r1 ~36.0.1985.8 (~)36.0.1985.18 [M]~37.0.2008.2 [M]~37.0.2017.2 {bindist cups custom-cflags gnome gnome-keyring kerberos neon pulseaudio selinux +tcmalloc test LINGUAS="+am +ar +bg +bn +ca +cs +da +de +el +en_GB +es +es_LA +et +fa +fi +fil +fr +gu +he +hi +hr +hu +id +it +ja +kn +ko +lt +lv +ml +mr +ms +nb +nl +pl +pt_BR +pt_PT +ro +ru +sk +sl +sr +sv +sw +ta +te +th +tr +uk +vi +zh_CN +zh_TW"}
     Installed versions:  36.0.1985.18(00:13:17 30/05/2014)(cups custom-cflags tcmalloc -bindist -gnome -gnome-keyring -kerberos -neon -pulseaudio -selinux -test LINGUAS="it -am -ar -bg -bn -ca -cs -da -de -el -en_GB -es -es_LA -et -fa -fi -fil -fr -gu -he -hi -hr -hu -id -ja -kn -ko -lt -lv -ml -mr -ms -nb -nl -pl -pt_BR -pt_PT -ro -ru -sk -sl -sr -sv -sw -ta -te -th -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW")
     Homepage:            http://chromium.org/
     Description:         Open-source version of Google Chrome web browser

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9 answers to this question

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Hello Magic. 

for example 


As I read the message that Flash player is required, when in fact it is present. 


I have tried both with the installation of adobe-flash via portage that by downloading the tar.gz file by downloading it from Adobe; but the result is similar

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Damn my memory: I had forgotten to install the ebuild for chromium (was not present in my backup of the configuration files when I got my new PC: (

Now works precisely; I'm sorry I bothered you for this tiny problem ...... 


Well let me dedicate a song that for me is very good in the blog space to you and to all the Forum. 


Thank you very much ......

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Dear Oleg, thank you for coming in this discussion; 

The magical Daniel provided me the solution, and you give me specify the "mechanisms"; 

Thanks to this wonderful forum and especially in this distribution for me "magical" :) 

The problem was quickly identified by the Magic Daniel :) 

It 'was my fault, not remembering to install plugins for binary chromium. 

I'm sorry because I have opened a discussion for so little ..... but maybe this thread will serve some other user :) 


Thank You very much. :) 


I Love Funtoo .... I love you :)

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I've a 4771 cpu with 16 GB ram then I compile in /dev/shm/ :P .... then for compilng www-client/chromium:

sandro@ci7ht ~ $ qlop -gH chromium
chromium: Mon Jun  9 06:50:53 2014: 27 minutes, 21 seconds
chromium: Tue Jun 10 17:55:05 2014: 27 minutes, 43 seconds
chromium: Tue Jun 10 22:49:28 2014: 45 minutes, 49 seconds
chromium: 3 times
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Of course if I had a older cpu I installed the "binary" of chromium and also libreoffice. 

For example my system compile Libreoffice and chromium from sources in 45 minutes:

sandro@ci7ht ~ $ qlop -gH chromium
chromium: Mon Jun  9 06:50:53 2014: 27 minutes, 21 seconds
chromium: Tue Jun 10 17:55:05 2014: 27 minutes, 43 seconds
chromium: Tue Jun 10 22:49:28 2014: 45 minutes, 49 seconds
chromium: 3 times

sandro@ci7ht ~ $ qlop -gH libreoffice
libreoffice: Mon Jun  9 07:18:14 2014: 45 minutes, 12 seconds
libreoffice: Tue Jun 10 19:25:38 2014: 47 minutes, 18 seconds
libreoffice: 2 times



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