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Very very strange errors



ci74771ht ~ # emerge -DNu world --with-bdeps=y    
Calculating dependencies \ * ERROR: sys-kernel/ck-sources-4.3.6-r1::gentoo faile
d (depend phase):
*   KV_to_int() calls are not allowed in global scope 
* Call stack: 
*                    ebuild.sh, line  624:  Called source '/usr/portage/sys-ker
*   ck-sources-4.3.6-r1.ebuild, line   21:  Called detect_arch 
*              kernel-2.eclass, line 1220:  Called tc-arch-kernel 
*       toolchain-funcs.eclass, line  550:  Called tc-ninja_magic_to_arch 'kern
*       toolchain-funcs.eclass, line  532:  Called KV_to_int '4.3.6-ck-r1' 
*                    ebuild.sh, line   73:  Called die 
* The specific snippet of code: 
*      # These dummy functions return false in non-strict EAPIs, in order to en
sure that
* If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=sys-kernel/ck-source
* the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=sys-kernel/ck-sources
* Working directory: '/usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages' 
* S: '/dev/shm/portage/sys-kernel/ck-sources-4.3.6-r1/work/linux-4.3.6-ck-r1' 
* ERROR: sys-kernel/ck-sources-4.3.6-r1::gentoo failed (depend phase): 
*   KV_to_int() calls are not allowed in global scope 
* Call stack: 
*                    ebuild.sh, line  624:  Called source '/usr/portage/sys-ker
*   ck-sources-4.3.6-r1.ebuild, line   21:  Called detect_arch 
*              kernel-2.eclass, line 1220:  Called tc-arch-kernel 
*       toolchain-funcs.eclass, line  550:  Called tc-ninja_magic_to_arch 'kern
*       toolchain-funcs.eclass, line  532:  Called KV_to_int '2.6.24' 
*                    ebuild.sh, line   73:  Called die 
* The specific snippet of code: 
*      # These dummy functions return false in non-strict EAPIs, in order to en
sure that
* If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=sys-kernel/ck-source
* the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=sys-kernel/ck-sources
* Working directory: '/usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages' 
* S: '/dev/shm/portage/sys-kernel/ck-sources-4.3.6-r1/work/linux-4.3.6-ck-r1' 
/usr/lib/portage/python3.4/isolated-functions.sh: line 236: kill: (9392) - No su
ch process
... done!
>>> Auto-cleaning packages...

>>> No outdated packages were found on your system.

I've never installed ck-sources;

I don't know how to do .... why my system requinres ck (Can-Kolivas) sources ?????


There is somewhat wrong in the tree i think :(

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