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instructions for switching to kits have changed



A few weeks ago I switched to kits, following the instructions at https://github.com/funtoo/meta-repo.

Today I went back to that site and I see the instructions have changed.  For instance, the symbolic link is different and several lines have been added near the end of the instructions.  What am I supposed to do now?  Should I undo what I did a few weeks ago, and follow the new instructions?  And is there some method in place to inform me of these changes, so I don't have to get lucky by stumbling across them on the internet?


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you shouldn't change anything about it unless you are using custom overlays or layman or planning to use them in future the way old instruction was results in /etc/portage/repos.conf directory to be a link to /var/git/meta-repo, thats then makes a custom overlays inside /var/git/meta-repo, which is not the good place. new instruction makes a distinct repos.conf configuration, the one to point to portage tree (meta-repo), rest can be any custom overlay. i believe better solution to it now added into unreleased version of ego.

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