I'm trying to set up an initramfs in order to get Plymouth working, but it complains about a missing systemd file even though I don't use systemd. As I understand it, genkernel-next shouldn't require systemd to work.
whitegiant linux-3.17.2-gentoo # genkernel --kernel-config=/usr/src/linux-3.17.2-gentoo/.config --plymouth-theme=solar initramfs
* Gentoo Linux Genkernel; Version 58
* Running with options: --kernel-config=/usr/src/linux-3.17.2-gentoo/.config --plymouth-theme=solar initramfs
* Using genkernel.conf from /etc/genkernel.conf
* Sourcing arch-specific config.sh from /usr/share/genkernel/arch/x86/config.sh ..
* Sourcing arch-specific modules_load from /usr/share/genkernel/arch/x86/modules_load ..
* Linux Kernel 3.17.2-gentoo for x86...
* .. with config file /usr/src/linux-3.17.2-gentoo/.config
* busybox: >> Using cache
* initramfs: >> Initializing...
* >> Appending base_layout cpio data...
* >> Appending udev cpio data...
cp: cannot stat ?/lib/udev/rules.d/99-systemd.rules?: No such file or directory
* cannot copy /lib/udev/rules.d/99-systemd.rules from udev
cp: cannot stat ?/lib/systemd/network/99-default.link?: No such file or directory
* cannot copy /lib/systemd/network/99-default.link from udev
* >> Appending auxilary cpio data...
* >> Copying keymaps
* >> Appending busybox cpio data...
* >> Appending modules cpio data...
* >> Appending blkid cpio data...
* >> Appending plymouth cpio data...
* >> Installing plymouth [ using the solar theme and plugin: "space-flares" ]...
cpio: libc.so.6: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
cpio: libdl.so.2: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
cpio: libm.so.6: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
cpio: librt.so.1: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
cpio: libudev.so.1: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
cpio: libz.so.1: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
* ERROR: Binary /lib/systemd/network/99-default.link or some of its library dependencies could not be copied
* -- Grepping log... --
* Running with options: --kernel-config=/usr/src/linux-3.17.2-gentoo/.config --plymouth-theme=solar initramfs
* Using genkernel.conf from /etc/genkernel.conf
* Sourcing arch-specific config.sh from /usr/share/genkernel/arch/x86/config.sh ..
* Sourcing arch-specific modules_load from /usr/share/genkernel/arch/x86/modules_load ..
* ERROR: Binary /lib/systemd/network/99-default.link or some of its library dependencies could not be copied
* -- End log... --
* Please consult /var/log/genkernel.log for more information and any
* errors that were reported above.
* Report any genkernel bugs to bugs.gentoo.org and
* assign your bug to genkernel@gentoo.org. Please include
* as much information as you can in your bug report; attaching
* /var/log/genkernel.log so that your issue can be dealt with effectively.
* Please do *not* report compilation failures as genkernel bugs!
I'm trying to set up an initramfs in order to get Plymouth working, but it complains about a missing systemd file even though I don't use systemd. As I understand it, genkernel-next shouldn't require systemd to work.
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