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Cinnamon install unmet requirements



Doing a fresh install into a virtualbox environment. Goal was to test cinnamon environment.

All steps from Funtoo Install page were done without problem.
"First Steps" done: include setting profiles and mix-ins.
X-org install completed and tested (note use VMSVGA video - easiest without need of extra drivers).

Attempt to install cinnamon fails with error stating "unmet requirements".

Indications are that ebuild specifies python targets for python 3.4 and 3.5 but latest uses 3.6.6.
A quick look at a couple of other cinnamon ebuilds show python 3.6 target in ebuild.

Bug? Ebuild missed in updates?
How best to resolve?



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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

Just a note --I am not sure if you used our cinnamon mix-in or not. Hopefully it will make things easier. If it needs any fixes or improvements for 1.3 or 1.4, please do not hesitate to open an issue on the bug tracker or submit a PR to code.funtoo.org.

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