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"External commands disallowed while sourcing ebuild: ..."."

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I hope this is not a stupid question, as it as been asked and answered previously, but I am wondering if the problem is the same. After

eix-sync && emerge -vaDNu world

and a successful sync I obtain,

[*N]  >> www-misc/buku ((~)3.6) [15]: Powerful command-line bookmark manager
[*N]  >> x11-base/xorg-proto ((~)2018.4) [25]: X.Org combined protocol headers
[*N]  >> x11-misc/j4-dmenu-desktop ((~)2.16) [2]: A fast desktop menu
 * Time statistics:
    63 seconds for syncing
    32 seconds for eix-update
     5 seconds for eix-diff
   100 seconds total

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies / 
 * External commands disallowed while sourcing ebuild: tr [:lower:] [:upper:]
 * External commands disallowed while sourcing ebuild: tr [:lower:] [:upper:]
 * External commands disallowed while sourcing ebuild: tr [:lower:] [:upper:]
 * External commands disallowed while sourcing ebuild: tr [:lower:] [:upper:]
 * External commands disallowed while sourcing ebuild: tr [:lower:] [:upper:]

the "external commands disallowed ..." errors continue for quite awhile, similar to what is described in this post here.

However, the bug referenced (missing mozcoreconf-v5.eclass) is not seen in the above errors, and the emerge seems to otherwise complete successfully. Do I need to do anything?

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