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LXC init.d script

Chris Kurlinski


Just found an error in the init.d lxc script

The ebuild depend section is:

depend() {
        # be quiet, since we have to run depend() also for the
        # non-muxed init script, unfortunately.
        checkconfig 2>/dev/null || return 0

        config ${CONFIGFILE}
        need localmount

        local _x _if
        for _x in $(lxc_get_net_link_type); do
                case "${_x##*:}" in
                        # when the network type is set to phys, we can make use of a
                        # network service (for instance to set it up before we disable
                        # the net_admin capability), but we might also not set it up
                        # at all on the host and leave the net_admin capable service
                        # to take care of it.
                        phys)   use net.${_if} ;;
                        *)	need net.${_if} ;;

But the net.{$_if} is wrong. 

Should be netif.${_if}


Changed it in my lxc init.d script, and my container start right up.


Don't know what to do with the info.

Just sharing.


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Here's a diff

*** lxc 2015-12-22 06:55:00.886700278 -0500
--- lxc.mod     2015-12-22 06:55:23.323701398 -0500
*** 71,78 ****
                        # the net_admin capability), but we might also not set it up
                        # at all on the host and leave the net_admin capable service
                        # to take care of it.
!                       phys)   use net.${_if} ;;
!                       *)	need net.${_if} ;;
--- 71,78 ----
                        # the net_admin capability), but we might also not set it up
                        # at all on the host and leave the net_admin capable service
                        # to take care of it.
!                       phys)   use netif.${_if} ;;
!                       *)	need netif.${_if} ;;
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