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Can i have Funtoo in a multiboot set-up ?



I have succeeded in my first attempt to install Funtoo. And I have also managed to install another Linux distro in dual boot.

Would it be  possible to install it on a machine which has already several other Linux distros on it ?

I  am asking this question because I am not sure about the boot partition. 

I believe that it might be possible to  install without a boot partition, but I have no idea what that would really mean and imply. I Fike funtoo and I think that in time it might become my preferred or "main" distribution.  I had Sabayon as my preferred distro untill its end. It was perfect for me.  AT the moment I have Funtoo running from an external HD, but I would like to have it on the internal HD of my multiboot machine also.

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2 answers to this question

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@fredmyra yes, this is possible. Take a look at 'man 5 boot.conf' and this may help. This explains how to add other entries to grub when using ego boot. Alternatively, you can do it the other way and add the kernel, options and initramfs from /boot in Funtoo to another boot manager.

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