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Terminal Colouring

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There has to be a quick answer to this that doesn't involve massive amounts of web searches.

One of the nice/cool things to have in Funtoo is the automatic/automagical context colouring that occurs when using nano or such. My personal terminal preferences are dark in nature making reading dark blue or dark red text on a black ground almost impossible to read. This is especially noticeable when viewing emerge conflicts.

Where are the colour settings stored? Personally, I would like to edit these properties locally to improve readability.

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4 hours ago, digifuzzy said:


No. Not helpful.

In funtoo (at least mine) /etc/skel is an empty directory. My .bashrc contents are unaltered from default.

Try "ls -a /etc/skel/" and you should see 3 or 4 hidden files in there.  You might also look into a package called grc.  It is the Generic Colouriser and provides colored output for a wide variety of programs.

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2 hours ago, lazlo.vii said:

Try "ls -a /etc/skel/" and you should see 3 or 4 hidden files in there.  You might also look into a package called grc.  It is the Generic Colouriser and provides colored output for a wide variety of programs.

Yes - hidden files in /etc/skel. No - not helpful as these are set to upstream default.

No on grc being installed but it is a possibility. Concern is would this package conflict with what Funtoo does.

I was hoping someone with distribution knowledge could chime in to explain how Funtoo implemented this as it seems this is specific to this distribution and not "generic linux".

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26 minutes ago, bcowan said:

coreutils installs certain system files like /etc/DIR_COLORS and /etc/profile calls /etc/bash/bashrc which sources those colors and sets them.Also sources term files installed by ncurses for term capability etc.

There we go... Winner!

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