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Funtoo Stages and Release 1.2

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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

Hi All,

By default, we are now building stage3's using Funtoo Linux 1.2 release as default. This means that new installs will have this in their /etc/ego.conf:


release = 1.2

If you are still using release 1.0, that's fine -- your system will continue to use 1.0. When you upgrade to ego 2.4.1 or later, you will be able to set the release as above in your ego.conf, re-run "ego sync", and you will be upgraded to the 1.2 release. The release= setting is simply a short-hand for setting the various 1.2-related kits individually in the [kits] section, so many of you are already running 1.2.



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