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[multiboot] grub In various OS [Solved]




I want boot various Linux distro with my grub. Now have 4 partitions:

/dev/sda1 --> /boot

/dev/sda2 --> swap

/dev/sda3 --> / (funtoo)

/dev/sda4 --> Calculate Linux (with /boot )

How do I have to configure /etc/grub.d/40_custom for boot all OS?  I try this, but don't work it, do not see it in the boot menu:

# /etc/grub.d/40_custom

menuentry "Reiniciar" --class reboot {
    echo "Se esta reiniciando el sistema..."

menuentry "Apagar" --class shutdown {
        echo "Se está apagando el sistema..."

Thanks in advance and sorry for my english..

Mauri from Spain


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7 answers to this question

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Hello, theasker!

Sorry for the delay!

As you have more operating systems, I advise you not to use the program sys-boot/boot-update and do this:

1 - install sys-boot/grub (attention to the variable GRUB_PLATFORMS in /etc/portage/make.conf) and sys-boot/os-prober

2 - run 'grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg'

3 - run 'grub-install /dev/sda'

This usually works automatically, without needing to edit anything.

Hope this helps!

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Hello, theasker!

If you do not use the program sys-boot/boot-update to update the file '/boot/grub/grub.cfg', you must have installed the program sys-boot/os-prober. Look at this:

* sys-boot/os-prober
     Available versions:  1.71 (~)1.73 (~)1.74
     Homepage:            http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/os-prober
     Description:         Utility to detect other OSs on a set of drives

Hope this helps!

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First, thanks for your response:

Then, ... boot-update is the substitute for os-prober ?.
Is there a configuration manual for boot-update?
And is there a manual to manually modify the grub configuration if os-prober or boot-update does not detect the OS?

Thx in advance

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20 hours ago, theasker said:

Is there a configuration manual for boot-update?

yes type "man boot-update"

for boot.conf "man boot.conf"

or you can look at it here, https://github.com/funtoo/boot-update/blob/master/doc/boot.conf.5.rst

suggest you look at /boot directory and find out how kernels are named i.e bzImage or vzImage so you will know what to put in boot.conf.

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