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Switch to Python 3.6?



I've got two Funtoo boxes, one was relatively recently reinstalled (after kits) and is running Python 3.6.  The other I just set up today and I cannot get it to run Python 3.6.  Has something changes?

On the new box /etc/ego.conf has python-kit = 3.6-prime, but portageq envvar PYTHON_TARGETS still returns "python3_4 python2_7"  I've run epro update, ego update, ego sync, it never changes.  What stupid thing have I missed?

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Ok, so apparently I need to spend 10 more minutes searching on the "how to fix", but the "why was it broken?" question is still open.

Looks like /etc/portage/make.profile/parent had a ton of references to python3.4, changing all of those manually to python3.6, to match the 3.6-prime branch, seems to have resolved my problem.  I do not understand why this was not automatically handled by ego, but maybe it's not ready to handle that by itself yet?

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Hi Oleg,

Yes, that all worked fine, but even after ego sync and watching it switch to the python3.6-prime branch, emerge -auDN @world did not try to install python3.  Only after I manually modified the lines in /etc/portage/make.profile/parent to reference 3.6 instead of 3.4 did portage want to upgrade to python3.6.  Is this the intended behavior?


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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

In theory, "epro update" should update /etc/portage/make.profile/parent to reflect whatever kits you have synced to /var/git/meta-repo/kits. It may need to be run manually in some instances, but in general should run automatically and if not print an error that you should run it manually.

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8 hours ago, drobbins said:

In theory, "epro update" should update /etc/portage/make.profile/parent to reflect whatever kits you have synced to /var/git/meta-repo/kits. It may need to be run manually in some instances, but in general should run automatically and if not print an error that you should run it manually.

That's kind of what I figured, seems like it didn't quite work properly then.  I was super confused because 'epro' was showing python3.6-prime and I wasn't even aware of /etc/portage/make.profile/parent, but once I thought about what could be wrong it wasn't too hard to find.

Not sure if I have time to go back and try to recreate this for a nice bug report anytime soon, but at least there's a nice thread on the forums in case someone else finds this problem?

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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

See this thread:

We found a bug in ego-2.3.0 which was resulting in python USE settings not getting updated properly. Using the version from git as per my instructions will get this working for you so you can run "ego profile update" and get your profiles set up correctly. Or just emerge ego-2.3.1 when it shows up in meta-repo, soon.

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