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Changing forum password

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Yes. This just happened to me as well. What I did was log out of my (main) funtoo.org wiki page. I logged back in. I then hit the 'Forums' link on the left side panel (as I normally would). I still got prompted for the (Forum) login pw, but this time when I entered it, it worked and I got in.


All good now. Dunno. I haven't accessed the wiki or forum for about a week, so I just figured it was some sort pw-caching / site-expiration type thing I hit. ? All good now though (for me).


what I'm more concerned about atm is I just did an emerge --sync on a box I set up before I left for a work trip and just now  got a "fatal: bad tree object ..."..."fatal: bad tree object..."...error: git..."did not send all necessary objects.

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This should fix your problem


I just wait till that get fix to change my password. Instead of changing password it's askling to create a new account for me.


You forgot to tell them to remove/rename the existing portage directory first. :)


But this issue has been propping up quite a lot lately and it should have a simpler fix. I will be looking into this and if I find a proper answer it will be documented on FL-1429, otherwise a clean reinstall of the portage tree is the way to go.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was about to start a new topic regarding this myself. It's true, if you're logged in and you try to reset your password - you're sent to new account creation. If you lost your password, and are not logged in and try to reset it through the "forgot your password?" link, that also brings you to a new account creation. Very odd. 

I did bring it up to drobbins though, so we'll see.

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