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HP M29w help



I've got a new HP LaserJet Pro MFP M29w that I can't get to print. 

net-print/hplip-3.20.11::desktop-kit was built with the following:
USE="X hpcups hpijs libnotify qt5 scanner snmp -doc -fax -kde -libressl -libusb0 -minimal -parport -policykit -static-ppds" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_7 -python2_7 -python3_8 -python3_9" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_7 -python2_7 -python3_8 -python3_9"
FEATURES="assume-digests binpkg-docompress binpkg-dostrip binpkg-logs buildpkg config-protect-if-modified distlocks ebuild-locks fixlafiles ipc-sandbox merge-sync multilib-strict network-sandbox news parallel-fetch pid-sandbox preserve-libs protect-owned sandbox sfperms strict unknown-features-warn unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch userpriv usersandbox usersync xattr"

I've tried 'hp-testpage' as a regular user and as root, and the cups access_log says:

localhost - - [01/Jan/2021:21:01:06 -0500] "POST /printers/HP_M29w HTTP/1.1" 200 329 Create-Job successful-ok
localhost - - [01/Jan/2021:21:01:06 -0500] "POST /printers/HP_M29w HTTP/1.1" 200 423142 Send-Document successful-ok    

but nothing has actually printed.  The printer is connected via USB. 


Bus 003 Device 002: ID 03f0:bf2a HP, Inc HP LaserJet MFP M28-M31

ls -l /dev/bus/usb/003/

crw-rw-r--  1 root usb 189, 256 Jan  1 20:57 001
crw-rw-r--+ 1 root lp  189, 257 Jan  1 21:05 002

My regular user is a member of both the 'usb' and 'lp' groups, and I've rebooted the machine since adding him to those groups.

Any ideas what could be wrong?  The printer works fine in Windows, so it's not a hardware issue.

When I send a print job, the power light blinks green for a few minutes, then goes back to solid green.

Edited by hick518
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3 answers to this question

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  • Funtoo Linux Developer

i have this same printer, however use mine on WPS wifi.  hplip compiled with 


is probably not helping you.  the printer is known working under wps in all situations including scanning.

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I rebuilt using libusb0 but I'm still having the same problem. 

Do I need any of the foomatic ebuilds in order for this to work?  Printer-wise, I know I've got the following installed:

hplip, cups, cups-filters

Do I need hplip-plugin?  Edit:  I installed hplip-plugin and nothing seems to have changed with regards to my printing problems.

Edited by hick518
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