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Gnome doesn't start

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This is a new (and my first Funtoo, while being a Gentoo veteran) install. I chose the 1.4-release-std gnome from the amd-zen tree. Booting to a command prompt (as root, for now) works perfectly, only firing up Gnome doesn't work.

When entering startx (I have a correct .xinitrc) within seconds I am returned to the command prompt with no helpful message. The Xorg log file is attached. Anybody?


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2 hours ago, cardinal said:

Did you configure openrc to start elogind ?

After regular user login,  before running startx is the user session listed when you run loginctl ?

rj@funtoo ~ $ loginctl
      2 1000 rj   seat0 tty1

Reference: https://www.funtoo.org/GNOME_First_Steps#A_few_finishing_touches

to the 1st question: Yes, of course (it's in the guide). However, there's a whole lot of services unused, many more than I would expect:

 lvmetad                                                           [  stopped  ]
 mit-krb5kdc                                                       [  stopped  ]
 samba                                                             [  stopped  ]
 udev-settle                                                       [  stopped  ]
 brltty                                                            [  stopped  ]
 net.lo                                                            [  stopped  ]
 bootlogd                                                          [  stopped  ]
 dnsmasq                                                           [  stopped  ]
 busybox-watchdog                                                  [  stopped  ]
 cupsd                                                             [  stopped  ]
 net-online                                                        [  stopped  ]
 apache2                                                           [  stopped  ]
 cups-browsed                                                      [  stopped  ]
 lvm                                                               [  stopped  ]
 mdraid                                                            [  stopped  ]
 openrc-settingsd                                                  [  started  ]
 device-mapper                                                     [  stopped  ]
 osclock                                                           [  stopped  ]
 consolefont                                                       [  stopped  ]
 nvidia-persistenced                                               [  stopped  ]
 pydoc-2.7                                                         [  stopped  ]
 git-daemon                                                        [  stopped  ]
 dhcpcd                                                            [  stopped  ]
 boltd                                                             [  stopped  ]
 pwcheck                                                           [  stopped  ]
 runsvdir                                                          [  stopped  ]
 dmcrypt                                                           [  stopped  ]
 iptables                                                          [  stopped  ]
 swclock                                                           [  stopped  ]
 pciparm                                                           [  stopped  ]
 ip6tables                                                         [  stopped  ]
 saslauthd                                                         [  stopped  ]
 busybox-ntpd                                                      [  stopped  ]
 gpm                                                               [  stopped  ]
 xdm-setup                                                         [  stopped  ]
 s6-svscan                                                         [  stopped  ]
 mit-krb5kadmind                                                   [  stopped  ]
 numlock                                                           [  stopped  ]
 udev-postmount                                                    [  stopped  ]
 mit-krb5kpropd                                                    [  stopped  ]
 xdm                                                               [  stopped  ]
 avahi-dnsconfd                                                    [  stopped  ]
 pydoc-3.7                                                         [  stopped  ]
 rsyncd                                                            [  stopped  ]
 fuse                                                              [  stopped  ]
 mdadm                                                             [  stopped  ]
 slapd                                                             [  stopped  ]
 dmeventd                                                          [  stopped  ]
 lvm-monitoring                                                    [  stopped  ]
 agetty                                                            [  stopped  ]
 wpa_supplicant                                                    [  stopped  ]
 nvidia-smi                                                        [  stopped  ]

To the 2nd question:

      1   0 root seat0 tty1

1 sessions listed.


Moreover, the output of emerge -auND @world show that some NVIDIA-modules need to be compiled, whereas my system is AMD based. Even in the above listing you see a few nvidia-services. While my profile is:

=== Enabled Profiles: ===

        arch: x86-64bit
       build: current
     subarch: amd64-zen
      flavor: desktop
     mix-ins: gnome
     mix-ins: gfxcard-amdgpu

=== Python kit: ===

      branch: 3.7-release

=== All inherited flavor from desktop flavor: ===

                     workstation (from desktop flavor)
                            core (from workstation flavor)
                         minimal (from core flavor)

=== All inherited mix-ins from desktop flavor: ===

                               X (from workstation flavor)
                           audio (from workstation flavor)
                             dvd (from workstation flavor)
                           media (from workstation flavor)
      mediadevice-audio-consumer (from media mix-in)
                mediadevice-base (from mediadevice-audio-consumer mix-in)
      mediadevice-video-consumer (from media mix-in)
                mediadevice-base (from mediadevice-video-consumer mix-in)
        mediaformat-audio-common (from media mix-in)
          mediaformat-gfx-common (from media mix-in)
        mediaformat-video-common (from media mix-in)
                  console-extras (from workstation flavor)
                           print (from desktop flavor)

=== All inherited flavor from gnome mix-ins: ===

                         desktop (from gnome-kit:gnome mix-in)
                     workstation (from desktop flavor)
                            core (from workstation flavor)
                         minimal (from core flavor)

=== All inherited mix-ins from gnome mix-ins: ===

                 gnome-kit:gnome (from gnome mix-in)
                               X (from workstation flavor)
                           audio (from workstation flavor)
                             dvd (from workstation flavor)
                           media (from workstation flavor)
      mediadevice-audio-consumer (from media mix-in)
                mediadevice-base (from mediadevice-audio-consumer mix-in)
      mediadevice-video-consumer (from media mix-in)
                mediadevice-base (from mediadevice-video-consumer mix-in)
        mediaformat-audio-common (from media mix-in)
          mediaformat-gfx-common (from media mix-in)
        mediaformat-video-common (from media mix-in)
                  console-extras (from workstation flavor)
                           print (from desktop flavor)

=== All inherited mix-ins from gfxcard-amdgpu mix-ins: ===

      core-gl-kit:gfxcard-amdgpu (from gfxcard-amdgpu mix-in)



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Somehow, nvidia-kernel-modules crept into my world file. It must have been there when downloading the tarball. Even when I removed the gfxcard-nvidia mix-in it didn't' go away. This seems responsible for all the unnecessary nvidia stuff.

Edited by helena
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I am now getting an xauth: file /root/.serverauth.xxxxx does not exist error. Googling for this I found no solution yet.

Furthermore, it appears that xorg-x11 is not installed, only xorg-server. Should that be enough? 

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