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corrupt meta-repo


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My Mac hosting virtualbox crashing during an ego sync. Now I get 

error: object file .git/objects/db/bf91bacaf480aae4d2899cfb10c15b4706d3f5 is empty
fatal: loose object dbbf91bacaf480aae4d2899cfb10c15b4706d3f5 (stored in .git/objects/db/bf91bacaf480aae4d2899cfb10c15b4706d3f5) is corrupt
ERROR: There was an error syncing meta-repo.

How can I fix this?

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All the repos are git repositories.  So usually the easiest way is to clone a fresh copy of the meta-repo.

mv /var/git/meta-repo /var/git/meta-repo.old
ego sync

ego will clone a fresh copy of the meta-repo from Github.

Since this is a case where Virtualbox crashed, I also recommend performing file system checks if they have not been performed automatically.

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