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Best epub/ebook reader?


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One ongoing issue that I've been having is the availability of a good epub reader. I have thousands of ebooks in epub format (and a minority in other formats like mobi). Yes there is the excellent Calibre, but I have some issues with its integrated epub reader - it's not compatible with some of my ebooks, especially those purchased from Barnes&Noble. Specifically it doesn't interpret correctly page order and I get sudden page jumps, for instance from page 54 to 170 and them back to 112 etc. I have tried to edit the epub files themselves but I can't figure out what's wrong, and this is compounded by the fact that other epub readers don't exhibit this behavior and show pages in the correct order.


I prefer a lightweight reader too; on Windows there is the excellent SumatraPDF, and on Android I use the Moon+ reader. Both work well and don't have the page order issue with my respective epub files.

On Linux however, the top readers that I have seen recommended (apart from Calibre): FBReader and Cool Reader, only come as .deb packages.


So, what do other Funtoo users have been using for reading ebooks (again, except for Calibre which has the above problem for me)?

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46 minutes ago, stamasd said:

On Linux however, the top readers that I have seen recommended (apart from Calibre): FBReader and Cool Reader, only come as .deb packages.


Funtoo has ebuilds for fbreader and coolreader

rj@funtoo ~ $ ego query v  coolreader
 app-text/coolreader| slot|                 repo
|    0| text-kit/1.4-release
rj@funtoo ~ $ ego query v fbreader
 app-text/fbreader| slot|                 repo
         0.99.4-r5|    0| text-kit/1.4-release


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Yeah, was going to say I just found out there is an ebuild for fbreader; I couldn't check at the time of my original post because I was waiting for calibre to emerge (which failed BTW, I posted a bug report). Trying to install fbreader now. Thanks!

(edit) fbreader installed correctly, seems to be the one I was looking for. Thank you again.

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