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Funtoo without update since 2016




I haven't updated my Funtoo distribution since mid 2016, because a number of reasons. The system it's still working but very outdated.

I've being trying to update my system quite some time now, but I'm having a lot of redundant conflicts.

I didn't manage to find any good documentation on how to update such outdated system.

I don't really want to back up my system and install from scratch the whole system.

So, does anyone here have a good advise or document on how to do that?

Right now I'm not writing this from my machine so I can't really post the emerge output with the conflicts, if necessary I'll do that later today.



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3 answers to this question

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there is no definite answer for this type of update, it highly depends on what's installed on your box. It is highly suspected the problems to solve could be numerous, and due to some very significant changes, the reinstall from scratch is best. If it's undesirable, then, you can just keep using it without update. If you would like to avoid reinstall, then there are 2 guides:


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