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Error with sync of gnome-kit branch



I was getting "head detached" messages and had taken the nuclear option of removing the meta-repo folder(  `rm -rf /var/git/meta-repo` ). While performing a sync, I observed the following message:

# ego sync
Syncing gnome-kit branch 3.26-prime
Already on '3.26-prime'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/3.26-prime'.
HEAD is now at 0bf7e35 Revert "FL-5907: move gexiv2 from gnome-kit"
Already up to date.
fatal: reference is not a tree: df17e1a16536abf02e5bf06fdfef14a2457e92bf
ERROR: There was an error syncing gnome-kit.

Error message indicates to me a problem with a git tree reference. Maybe it's been already picked up by dev's but I thought it important to pass along.

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