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why do we have such outdated packges?


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Will funtoo be tracking upstream automatically or will there still be human intervention (even for current)?  Also, along the same lines, I noticed that sometimes I have packages I cannot install because my kits don't have that package version available.  Is there a utility that exists to perform that dependency check with the kit to ensure accuracy?

I am on master so I would expect that to be manually revised / curated whereas 1.3 release would be automatic?

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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

Good questions.

The issues with blockers due to not having the correct version available will be disappearing with 1.3-release when it is available. It currently happens because we are using different snapshot dates for different parts of the tree, and we are not going to to do that anymore with 1.3+.

1.3-release will be a 'frozen' release when it is released, meaning it will gradually become out-of-date, though we will be bumping critical packages and backporting security fixes. But the process we use to create 1.3 will be used to launch 1.4 development immediately, so we are getting better at this and releases will come a lot more often ? The goal is to have a very stable and tested release that doesn't have unanticipated changes, until you want to pull them in by moving to the next release. So this is the pattern we are trying to establish. Hopefully we can get releases to the point where they are coming frequently enough people do not feel like packages are "stale". That is the goal. With the improvements in our tools, I think we will be able to achieve it. It is actually easier to do releases often rather than infrequently -- right now we are just in the "growing pains" stage where we are in the process of moving to a more rapid release schedule.

As funtoo's team grows, we will have the person-power to actually move ahead of Gentoo in more areas. Right now, these areas are limited due to us only having a ~4 person team and Gentoo having several hundred developers.

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