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xorg-kit 1.19-prime now default

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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

Also note that in your /var/git/meta-repo/kits/xorg-kit directory, you will have a README.rst file with the latest info on security fixes in the kit. The 1.19-prime README.rst is also readable here (this is our original source for the README.rst that ends up in your kit): https://github.com/funtoo/kit-fixups/tree/master/xorg-kit/1.19-prime

Also note that if you aren't explicitly specifying a kit for xorg-kit in /etc/ego.conf, your system will automatically switch to using the new kit. If you would like to stick with 1.17-prime for some reason, you can add this to your /etc/ego.conf:


xorg-kit = 1.17-prime

This is generally not recommended unless you have a specific reason to stick with 1.17-prime. We will continue to maintain 1.17-prime as well.

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