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Stages4 and a LiveDVD



Hi folks, I create a article on (vivaolinux) is a great forum about Linux and software on Brazil. 


link : https://www.vivaolinux.com.br/topico/Funtoo/LiveDVD-e-Stage4-para-o-Funtoo


is not a article but more a ideia to request users to help to make that ideia real.



so, that is the resume of the text : 


I'm a Funtoo user about 2 years and Gentoo user one year before and I think that missing a Livedvd to Funtoo and Stages4 with more packges as "Xorg" or some desktop as "Plasma 5"


Gentoo has now "again" a LiveDVD 


Gentoo LiveDVD : http://gentoo.mirrors.tds.net/pub/gentoo//releases/amd64/20160704/


and Stages4 to Cloud : 




the Area31 has a Livecd too, but is not like I talk about : 





so, the question is reduse the time to install the system of course more one option not change to a easy system like sabayon as a example. 

but has stages with more packges and few desktops, to make the installation more faster, of course all of this optimized by arch as the current Stages3 that Funtoo has 


and a liveDVD as Gentoo with a installer, to new users, again as other option beyond CLI

to make the Distro more popular, to explore more the potention of this amazing distro. 



so what your members think about it ? 



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4 answers to this question

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This could be done in a smaller fashion to include a general 64bit subarch instead of a plethora of stage4s.


The complexity goes through the roof when we consider the number of subarches Funtoo currently supports:


We'd have to compile at least 4x (LXDE, XFCE, KDE and GNOME desktops) the number of subarches to create every

possible stage4.


That's not really realistic.


Creating a stage4 that could be a general 64 bit architecture to install on a system through a GUI could be sensible. Reviewers

generally loose patience when they review source-based distributions. This could bridge the gap and allow them to compile

and tweak smaller packages without spending hours on compiling.


Bottom line is: There's no distribution that offers such a wide variety of stage3s optimized for different hardware. I'd much rather

expand our reach into the embedded market with IoT and mobile devices. Except for android, it's mostly uncharted territory.

YOCTO should not have to exist when we have a source-based distribution that can produce stage4s with ease.


There's no reason why a Funtoo Linux Live CD should be needed if the Gentoo Linux one works fine: we share bug fixes with

 Gentoo and remain largely intercompatible , and we shouldn't have to duplicate the effort put into managing a Live CD without any need.

Fragmentation in the Linux community is a plague; let's not create another split between distributions if we don't have to.

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I agree with Livecd that you're right, but on Stage4, at least an openbox image and some packages (browsers, editors, etc.) will be fine, and could be with -march = generic, but with a kickstart to new users or someone who needs a faster installation.


What I suggest is an option for new users.

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