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lightdm fails to start



I recently installed lightdm following the advice here https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/LightDM#OpenRC.


I have my display manager set to lightdm

cat /etc/conf.d/xdm 
# We always try and start X on a static VT. The various DMs normally default
# to using VT7. If you wish to use the xdm init script, then you should ensure
# that the VT checked is the same VT your DM wants to use. We do this check to
# ensure that you haven't accidentally configured something to run on the VT
# in your /etc/inittab file so that you don't get a dead keyboard.

# What display manager do you use ?  [ xdm | gdm | kdm | gpe | entrance ]
# NOTE: If this is set in /etc/rc.conf, that setting will override this one.

I have built ligtdm with qt4 and kde support

grep lightdm /etc/portage/package.use
x11-misc/lightdm kde qt4

I have both dbus and xdm enabled with OpenRC

chytraeus@localhost:~ $ /sbin/rc-update | grep dbus
                 dbus |      default                 
chytraeus@localhost:~ $ /sbin/rc-update | grep xdm 
                  xdm |      default        

When I reboot my laptop I can see that lightdm is started

2|chytraeus@localhost:/var/log $ sudo grep lightdm messages
Aug 22 13:59:02 localhost sudo[10918]: chytraeus : TTY=tty1 ; PWD=/home/chytraeus ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/lightdm
Aug 22 13:59:44 localhost sudo[10927]: chytraeus : TTY=tty1 ; PWD=/home/chytraeus ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/lightdm
Aug 22 14:13:45 localhost sudo[19619]: chytraeus : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/chytraeus ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/vim /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
Aug 22 14:16:28 localhost sudo[20431]: chytraeus : TTY=tty1 ; PWD=/home/chytraeus ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/lightdm
Aug 22 14:17:36 localhost sudo[10909]: chytraeus : TTY=tty1 ; PWD=/home/chytraeus ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/vim /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
Aug 22 14:23:00 localhost sudo[11676]: chytraeus : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/chytraeus ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/vim /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
Aug 22 14:26:12 localhost sudo[11702]: chytraeus : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/chytraeus ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/emerge -av lightdm-kde
Aug 22 14:30:29 localhost sudo[13982]: chytraeus : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/chytraeus ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/emerge -av lightdm
Aug 22 14:31:39 localhost sudo[14000]: chytraeus : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/chytraeus ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/emerge -av lightdm
Aug 22 14:32:54 localhost sudo[14012]: chytraeus : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/chytraeus ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/emerge -av lightdm
Aug 22 14:36:14 localhost sudo[10911]: chytraeus : TTY=tty1 ; PWD=/home/chytraeus ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/lightdm-kde-greeter
Aug 22 14:37:13 localhost sudo[11058]: chytraeus : TTY=tty1 ; PWD=/home/chytraeus ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/lightdm
Aug 22 15:21:40 localhost sudo[4508]: chytraeus : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/var/log ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/grep lightdm messages

And I have changed the appropriate line in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

chytraeus@localhost:/var/log $ grep greeter-session /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
# greeter-session = Session to load for greeter
greeter-session = lightdm-kde-greeter

Still, I just get a tty and I have to type startx to get to my plasma 5 desktop

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Still, I just get a tty and I have to type startx to get to my plasma 5 desktop


I have made a little progress. I now get a blank, white screen instead of a tty.

I have also found the funtoo ebuild page for lightdm and have followed the advice there.

One other thing I have noticed is that no lightdm-kde-greeter.conf under /etc/lightdm.


I found this in /var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log:

file:///usr/share/apps/lightdm-kde-greeter/themes/userbar/main.qml:20:1: module "org.kde.plasma.components" is not installed 
     import org.kde.plasma.components 0.1 as PlasmaComponents 

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I should have said that I have that installed already.

chytraeus@localhost:~ $ emerge -s lightdm-kde
[ Results for search key : lightdm-kde ]
[ Applications found : 1 ]

*  x11-misc/lightdm-kde
      Latest version available:
      Latest version installed:
      Size of files: 1,346 kB
      Homepage:      https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/base/lightdm
      Description:   LightDM KDE greeter
      License:       GPL-3

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