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No usb keyboard during boot



I was installing Funtoo with full disk enryption for current corei7:


Everything went ok, but keybord stop work after grub like it was unpluged. In grub one of the light is shining and when I push enter button Im stopping counting. Jutst after this light is turning off and I cant type password to my disk. Ive install linux-firmware but mayby I shoul install something more or put somethin in to boot sequence? Any ideas?

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Hello, I'm back :)


After some time I decided to give another chance to funtoo and I crashed in the same moment. I start read and try diffrent things and finally I DID IT :)


So short version what I did, mayby someone will have the same problem:


- add "iommu=soft" in kernel params line in /etc/boot.conf (nothing change but I left it like that)

- recompile debian-sources by genkernel  and add support for IOMMU and

xHCI HCD (USB 3.0) support

<*> EHCI HCD (USB 2.0) support
< > OHCI HCD support
<*> UHCI

I have checked everything and now it works on new kernel and Im happy Funtoo user :D



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I dont have installed x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev. Ive just installed base system from:



and its first reboot after building debian-sources, boot-update etc.

It looks like kernel cant use this keyboard. Its verry weird, grub knows what to do but krenel dont. 

I can try install x serwer and x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev under chroot if there is chance to fix this.

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