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1.3 EOL: March 1, 2020, 1.4 MR2

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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

As Funtoo Linux 1.4 continues to mature, it has become a much better long-term stable option than Funtoo Linux 1.3, so maintenance and updates for 1.3 will end on March 1, 2020, and users are encouraged to upgrade to 1.4 at this time, or before.

In about a week, there will be a second maintenance release of Funtoo Linux 1.4, which will simply be rolled into the official 1.4 release, but will result in updated binary stage3s and GNOME stage3s. The updates will include bumping GNOME from 3.34.1 to 3.34.2 as well as upstream kernel updates with the latest security fixes, in particular ones focused on side-channel vulnerabilities on Intel systems. These updated stages will have 2020-01 timestamps and will be good options for those needing to reinstall an existing 1.3 environment.

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