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GNOME 3.34.1 Ready and coming in a few days

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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

GNOME 3.34.1 is ready for use and will become the default version of GNOME in 1.4-release in a few days. If you would like to use it now, you can add the following to /etc/ego.conf:


gnome-kit = 3.34-prime

Then ego sync, emerge -auDN @world, emerge @preserved-rebuild, and restart xdm and you should be in business.

If you would like to avoid upgrading to GNOME 3.34, now is the time to insert the following code into /etc/ego.conf:


gnome-kit = 3.32-prime

Then, in a few days when 3.34-prime becomes active, you will stick with 3.32-prime and not get the updates until you want them.

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