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1.4 is (almost!) ready to go!

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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

Hey everyone,

1.4 is almost ready to be released. Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed pull requests for 1.4 and tested 1.4. There's still a bunch of work to do, but there always will be and I believe 1.4 will be our most well-tested release so far.

After 1.4 is released, we will start development on 2.0, to be released some time in the Fall (Sept/Oct timeframe). I've been thinking about the release schedule a lot and I think that aiming for a .0 release every Fall seems to be a good idea. This means the work is completed well before the winter holidays, and fall in the US is a good season of change and looking forward to new things.

What I have left to do for 1.4 is to update the ARM builds to 1.4 and then also to update our documentation, release notes, upgrade steps and related docs. I want to incorporate the new video cards mix-ins into the official installation steps and not leave it to just be a "First Steps" item after install. This way, people can use the install docs to get their desktop environment of choice up and running, too.

I hope to get all this completed in the next few days.


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