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MySQL file collision



During my upgrade from 1.3 to 1.4  I got an error while running the command:

# emerge -auDN @world --jobs=3 --exclude dev-lang/perl

So i got the error "Package 'dev-db/mysql-connector-c-8.0.16' NOT merged due to file collisions."

The detected file is /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/mysqlclient.pc

I checked with "portageq" who's the owner and looks like it's dev-db/mysql-5.7.23

Not sure if it's an human mistake (me) or if it's a portage bug...

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This might be of no help at all but this is file is part of the freedesktop.org "pkg-config" framework which feeds gcc compile options for a given package.  I have beaten my head against pkg-config a few times in the past and I have lost more than I have won.  If you can snapshot you file system, rename the file, and then try the emerge you will only lose time if it fails.  If that doesn't work you had better wait for someone more qualified to answer.

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