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ego sync error and libglvnd bloccks mesa



First of all, I really enjoying Funtoo and thanks for all your hard work.

Today I finished base install and rebooted. While base install there was xorg-kit sync error but I skipped over it. But after reboot, exact same error appears on '#ego sync' output.

Second, while updating after '#epro flavor desktop' through '#emerge -avuDN @world', mesa and libglvnd blocks each other. I don't know if this was because of that sync error but that's what happening now.

How can I resolve these?


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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

This was my fault -- and should now be fixed. I created a new ebuild called mesa-gl-headers which contains only the headers for mesa. But I included a lot of extra headers by mistake. I didn't get it fixed until the evening but is now definitely resolved ?

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