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Updates: 1.4-release in Alpha, dev-lang/dart and updated Firefox added...

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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

Hey all,

I've been really busy this month -- in Funtoo-land as well as on other projects (currently in Washington, DC area doing some work.)

I've just moved 1.4-release to ALPHA status (it was "in development" status) and will be working on getting some alpha builds available. I've updated the snapshot that 1.4 is based upon and frozen 1.4 so 1.4 will be based on a June 21, 2019 snapshot of Gentoo. I will also be looking to start a non-frozen variant of Funtoo again...

New Firefox and firebox-bin are now in the tree to address security issues.

I've also added the latest version of dev-lang/dart to the tree. This is a very interesting language that comes from Google and recently received a major revamp to make it really nice. Here's an interesting article about it: https://hackernoon.com/why-i-moved-from-java-to-dart-8f3802b1d652 . I am using Dart to do multi-platform development using Google's flutter (which uses Dart) -- and I've enjoyed my experience so far.

More updates to come...



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