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Setting up clamav to start/run in the background?



Basic and desktop installs went fine; my problem is with the time it takes to get clamd and then freshclam up to speed.  I'm not sure I want to add clamd to the boot runlevel because I don't want to bring everything to a screeching halt there any more than I wanted everything to come to a screeching halt at the default runlevel.  It occurred to me to just have the os bring clamav up as a totally background ap after I've logged into the desktop, but I have NO idea how to go about setting that up....

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2 answers to this question

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To spring off of cbdougla's reponse, how about setting up a script that looks for your uptime and if it is greater than x then, check if clamav is running, if it is not then run your init script to start. Stuff that  script into root's cron and have it run every minute.

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This may not be very helpful but you could create a script to run the appropriate systemctl or rc-service commands and then call that script from your .xsession file with an & at the end to put it in the background.

Or perhaps put it in the /etc/init.d/local file, also with an "&" at the end.  This would allow it to start on boot but it wouldn't delay the startup.  Maybe.  I'd need to try it myself.

If it were me and I didn't want it to start automatically, I would probably not want to to start from the .xsession either and would just opt to start it manually when I logged in.

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