I try to upgrade my system and run into an issue again. This time it is encfs: That relies on dev-libs/tinyxml2:0/3, but the upgrade schedules an upgrade for that:
WARNING: One or more updates/rebuilds have been skipped due to a dependency conflict:
(dev-libs/tinyxml2-6.0.0:0/6::dev-kit, ebuild scheduled for merge) conflicts with
dev-libs/tinyxml2:0/3 required by (sys-fs/encfs-1.9.2:0/0::core-kit, installed)
Nothing to merge; quitting.
I try to upgrade my system and run into an issue again. This time it is encfs: That relies on dev-libs/tinyxml2:0/3, but the upgrade schedules an upgrade for that:
What's the best solution here?
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