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GCC 7.3.1 in core-kit 1.2 with Spectre V2 fixes

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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

Hey Everyone,

Thanks to some good work by @temptorsent, we now have gcc-7.3.1 in core-kit 1.2. This version of GCC has spectre V2 fixes, so if you compile the latest debian-sources-lts or latest debian-sources kernel after gcc-7.3.1 is installed, and reboot, you should be protected against spectre V2. Please use this tool to test your vulnerability, both before and after your kernel upgrade, to make sure everything went as planned:


See https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?px=GCC-7.3-Released&page=news_item for info on gcc-7.3.



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