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Funtoo Linux Release Schedule for 2018

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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

Hi All,

In order to have more predictability for users, Funtoo Linux is going to adopt a six-month release schedule starting in 2018. Our kits are currently at 1.0-prime, and we are going to skip over 1.1-prime (it didn't get done fast enough) and jump to 1.2-prime. We are going to start development on 1.2-prime today, December 28, 2017, with a planned release of the production 1.2-prime on January 21, 2018. We will then maintain the 1.2-prime kits for the next six months, until they are replaced with 1.3-prime.

The schedule in detail is as follows:

December, 28, 2017: start development on 1.2
January 1, 2018: we will be rolling out a python-modules-kit and perl-modules-kit as new kits (for 1.0+)
January 4, 2018: Alpha release of 1.2
January 11, 2018: Beta release of 1.2
We will have a release candidate when we feel we are ready, with a scheduled production release on January 21, 2018.

On February 1, 2018, the 1.0-prime kits will be deprecated and users will be migrated to the 1.2-prime kits (this should be seamless unless you've hard-coded 1.0 or 1.1-prime kits in ego.conf.)

For 1.2-prime, what we are going to attempt to deliver is a default gcc of 6.4 and all ebuilds updated to be in sync with Gentoo as of January 2018. We will be using a 'current' (non-snapshotted tree) until around January 4th when we will freeze the tree and then will start backporting security fixes and updates.

In a few hours, the 1.2-prime kits will appear but will be tagged as DEVELOPMENT quality, so they should not be used until they are made default. I will post updates here on our progress.



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