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New ebuild: turbovnc

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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

Hi All, 

I have just committed net-misc/turbovnc to the Funtoo tree. Turbo VNC is a very good VNC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Network_Computing) client and server. As a client, it will allow you to connect to remote systems and is very fast and feature-rich, with a ton of security options. As a server, it integrates with X and supports VirtualGL. VirtualGL is functionality that overcomes some inherent limitations of VNC, which traditionally does not support OpenGL or forces applications to use non-hardware rendering. With VirtualGL, you can remotely access a Funtoo system with hardware-accelerated OpenGL and benefit from its GPU (graphics will render on the remote system using hardware acceleration and then the rendered images will be transmitted to your client.) Learn more about VirtualGL here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VirtualGL

As a client, I've found turbovnc to be significantly faster than tigervnc, and the client has a lot of very useful configuration options -- see screenshots below.

Please give the ebuild a try and let me know how it works for you.

Screenshot from 2017-11-27 16-11-02.png

Screenshot from 2017-11-27 16-11-17.png

Screenshot from 2017-11-27 16-11-43.png

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