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ego-2.3.2 released, available for testing

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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

Hi All,

ego-2.3.2 has been released and will show up in meta-repo soon. It is keyword-masked and is available for testing. This version has been tested quite a bit by the funtoo dev team so we expect it to be pretty solid but we want to give it a few days of testing by users before unmasking. New features and bug fixes include (please note there is an important one listed below....)

  • Robustness fixes for partially-initialized repositories.
  • Fix for term sizing
  • New 'config' module for reading and setting ego.conf settings from cmdline.
  • allow kit_depth to be specified in ego.conf.
  • IMPORTANT CHANGE: replace /etc/portage/repos.conf with a real directory, and now ego will generate repos.conf entries for kits and keep them up-to-date for you. All files it manages and creates begin with the "ego-" prefix.
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