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Free Container Reload for Kits!


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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

Hey All,

If you have a Funtoo container and would like to upgrade to kits, please contact me. I can reload your container so you can start with a 'fresh' system that is set up to work with kits from the beginning. The actual re-image process takes about 5 minutes to complete. It does require that you back up your important data, and once reloaded, your container will need your favorite apps emerged again.



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  • drobbins pinned and featured this topic
  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

If you converted over yourself, then you should be all set. The one thing that is enabled on our containers that you should know about is that if the /var/git/meta-repo directory exists and you reboot your container, a read-only meta-repo directory will be mounted there and automatically updated. If you have updated yourself, just be aware that on reboot, /var/git/meta-repo will have a bind-mount on top of it and be read-only. You can get around this (and have your own locally-managed meta-repo) by ensuring you have a recent version of ego installed and set:


meta_repo_path = /var/git/meta-repo-local

...and then "mv" your existing meta-repo into this location, or run 'ego sync' to do a fresh clone.

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