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emerge -vauDN @oworld which produced the following error : Failed to emerge gnome-extra/sushi-3.34.0-r1



Happy Holidays and Thank you for your help.

Last Night I got Funtoo up and running 

So I decided to do my first update world using emerge -vauDN @oworld which produced the following error : Failed to emerge gnome-extra/sushi-3.34.0-r1

I have included the build.log and information about my environment ( emerge_info)

I have done some research and FL-9705 seems to match my issue directly

However, I do not understand the fix provided: there are a number of packages that have shown this symptom. I believe the fix might be to `addpredict` the media devices that are being accessed

build.log emerge_info

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To sushi-3.34.0-r1.ebuild I have added the following code based on the Bug Report above.

 for vid in /dev/video* ; do
        addpredict "${vid}"

Executed the following commands:

     1. ego sync

     2. emerge -auvDN @world and it compiled correctly.

What should be the next steps.  How do we get this into the git repository.


Edited by cstockman
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I have tried create an issue report, but cannot login

What I have tried 

How do I create an account for JIRA or log in ? 


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One thing that we should check.  My username is chuck.stockman@yahoo.com -- Is that correct

I tried changing my password and it gave me a password reset failure ( user: chuck.stockman@yahoo.com at https://auth.funtoo.org/reset/63a3dc0b802d33cd8a8fef5e)

I have tried to login at funtoo.org ( which was successful )and code.funtoo.org/bitbucket/login and jira ( which were not successful ).

image.thumb.png.0da95c03f0d2b17269e3abe5015ce7bd.pngn@yahoo.com) for code.funtoo.org/bitbucket/login



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