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Newbie Question



Hi as the topic says , YES I'm a gentoo/funtoo newbie.
Under the install when it come to the wget I can't seem to work out the commands to get the

funtoo-current standard 2015-04-11



to download. I have tried and now I'm totaly lost.

Could someone be kind enough to give me a heads up?

Before you ask yes I have been working from the tute guide for installs.

Cheers for the help in adavance.

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2 answers to this question

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While there isn't a 2015-04-11 stage3 tarball you should be fine to copy the funtoo install documents exactly to get the latest current stage3 tarball.

# cd /mnt/funtoo
# wget http://build.funtoo.org/funtoo-current/x86-64bit/generic_64/stage3-latest.tar.xz

You may be having trouble if your network connection isn't working in which case you need to download the tarball and put it onto your installation media before booting into the install process.

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