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Funtoo Auth Upgraded -- with hiccups...

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  • Funtoo Linux BDFL

Hi All,

I've upgraded our authentication framework, and you should be able to log in. But the migration was not without hiccups.

You should be able to log in to forums, wiki, bugs, code.funtoo.org and friends.

You might notice that some bugs on bugs.funtoo.org have my name listed as "drobbins#1". This isn't because I think I'm awesome, but because our migration triggered some bad behavior in JIRA and I need to repair its user database. It's annoying, but very fixable, and I'll get to this soon, and should continue to work in the meantime.

If you have login issues, please message me privately on the forums, or contact me directly on discord or telegram (links on the main wiki page.)


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