I am trying to install the Anki flashcard application on a system that already has Chromium installed. There seems to be an incompatibility involving the dev-libs/libxml2 icu flag -- Chromium needs it enabled while Anki needs it off. When I run emerge anki I receive the following error (the full stderr and stdout output of the command is attached). Edit: Attached the full output.
!!! Multiple package instances within a single package slot have been pulled
!!! into the dependency graph, resulting in a slot conflict:
(dev-libs/libxml2-2.9.2-r1000::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
dev-libs/libxml2:2[!icu?,abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_ppc_32(-)?,abi_ppc_64(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] required by (dev-qt/qtwebkit-4.8.6-r1::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
(dev-libs/libxml2-2.9.2-r1000::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
dev-libs/libxml2:=[icu] required by (www-client/chromium-40.0.2214.10::gentoo, installed)
dev-libs/libxml2:2/2=[icu] required by (www-client/chromium-40.0.2214.10::gentoo, installed)
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