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Aptana Studio 3 need help...

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Hello just wanted to ask: has anyone aptana studio 3 ( http://aptana.com/ ) got to run properly?

I'm ending up with troubles with the embedded browser. 

Unhandled event loop exception
No more handles [Unknown Mozilla path (MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME not set)] 

I tried the manual way and the ebuilds from overlays but always the same sh..

Thank you for any hints.

cu peje

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 "requires sun jdk" just a guess is that your oracle jdk setup is not eselected.....  dbeaver wont run with out oracle jdk eselected.  since i was maintaining so many ruby web apps ill give it a stab....


as root


eselect java-vm list


reports for me


Available Java Virtual Machines:

  [1]   icedtea-bin-6 
  [2]   oracle-jdk-bin-1.7  system-vm
mkultra@spaceball-1 ~/Downloads $ mkdir ide
mkultra@spaceball-1 ~/Downloads $ mv Aptana_Studio_3_Setup_Linux_x86_64_3.4.2.zip ide/
mkultra@spaceball-1 ~/Downloads $ cd ide/
mkultra@spaceball-1 ~/Downloads/ide $ unzip *
shit storm
mkultra@spaceball-1 ~/Downloads/ide $ cd Aptana_Studio_3
mkultra@spaceball-1 ~/Downloads/ide/Aptana_Studio_3 $ ./AptanaStudio3 
ready to rock....
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Hi 666, thank you for your help  - yes I tested with both sun and oracle jdk:

pejelapi ~ # eselect java-vm list
Available Java Virtual Machines:
  [1]   oracle-jre-bin-1.7  system-vm
  [2]   sun-jre-bin-1.6 

I can run aptana BUT if I push the embeded browser to see what I coded it ends up in errors..

Could you  may test if this works for you?

Thank you very much cu Peje

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  • 2 weeks later...

aptana studio requires firefox 1.5 or greater.


so emerge firefox-bin


when the error pops up navigate to /usr/bin/firefox-bin or symlink /usr/bin/firefox-bin to /usr/bin/firefox


ill confirm that i cant get the browser running as im google-chrome only on this system.


closing the program and re opening the program took away the initial internal browser error messages.

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Hi 666, firefox-bin is already installed:



pejelapi ~ # emerge -pv firefox-bin

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild   R    ] www-client/firefox-bin-30.0  USE="(-selinux) -startup-notification"

And even if I set the path to the firefox executable I end up with:

Unhandled event loop exception
No more handles [Unknown Mozilla path (MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME not set)]

Thanks cu peje

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  • 10 months later...
mkdir overlays
cd overlays
git clone https://github.com/666threesixes666/tripsix.git tripsix
edit /etc/portage/make.conf
#notice replace home mkultra with your /home/USERNAME
emerge AptanaStudio 


mkdir overlays

cd overlays

git clone https://github.com/666threesixes666/tripsix.gittripsix

edit /etc/portage/make.conf


#notice replace home mkultra with your /home/USERNAME


emerge AptanaStudio


this one works out of the box browser and all....

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