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[SOLVED] squid - 4.6 - ssl-crtd, builds but where is ssl_crtd installed?

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Hi all,

I built squid 4.6 with both ssl and ssl-crtd enabled:

net-proxy/squid qos tproxy ssl ssl-crtd htcp wccp wccpv2 caps


And, after it is done building, I expect ssl_crtd to live in /usr/libexec or somewhere down there, but after doing:

find / -type f | grep ssl | grep crtd


I see nothing.  Even with:

find / -type f | grep crtd


I too see nothing.  I don't see any build errors

I checked the squid documentation and everything I found still references ssl-crtd and /usr/libexec ... ssl_crtd.


I see the answer:



That is the default value, it apparently has moved and some of the documentation hasn't caught up.  I'm leaving this here in case anyone else runs into the same problem.



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