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init: id"s0" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes



After I commented out "S0:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L 115200 ttyS0 vt100" in "/etc/inittab"file, I received consecutive alarm from the console: "init: id"s0" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes".

Sometimes I need to use serial console to connect to my Funtoo server, so I did the above.

But how to get rid of the boring information? And I don't know what is the meaning of it.


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ttyS0 is serial console. that error means you either don't have serial console or it is not connected to ttyS0


how to get rid of this message - correct the cause of the error message.


what server are you using? what do you mean with serial console connection?

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